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The night deepened, drawing me further into my thoughts. Scarlet wasn't just an interest anymore; she had become an obsession, a puzzle occupying every corner of my mind. I knew that letting her take up so much space in my head was dangerous, but the danger only made it more exhilarating.

I stood by the window, my drink forgotten on the marble counter, when my phone buzzed behind me. I ignored it at first, unwilling to disturb the early morning silence. But the persistent buzzing finally made me turn, and with a sigh, I picked up the phone. The name on the screen darkened my mood.

**Alexander Grayson.**

One of the few people in this city who could get away with calling me at this hour. A former mentor, a partner in several ventures, and one of the only men who knew me well enough to be a threat. Though we hadn’t spoken in months, our association was far from over.

Reluctantly, I answered the call. "What do you want, Grayson?"

A deep, gravelly voice responded. "Good morning to you too, Viktor. Is this how you greet an old friend?"

"Cut the pleasantries," I snapped, irritation seeping into my tone. "It's late, or early, depending on how you look at it. Either way, I don’t have time for silly games."

There was a low chuckle on the other end, the kind that made it clear Grayson enjoyed getting under my skin. "Always so serious. I’ve been hearing things, Viktor. About a girl in a red cloak, some say. Ring any bells?"

My grip tightened on the phone, the mention of Scarlet putting me on edge. Grayson shouldn’t have known about her, and the fact that he did meant I had made a mistake somewhere. Or worse, that he had been watching me.

"You're well-informed as usual," I replied, keeping my voice even. "But I don't see how that concerns you."

"Oh, it doesn’t. I'm just curious," Grayson said, his tone light but laced with something darker. "You don’t usually take such a personal interest in... shall we say, distractions?"

Scarlet was anything but a distraction, but I wasn’t about to explain that to Grayson. He thrived on finding cracks in the armor of those around him. I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction.

"People talk, Grayson" I said dismissively. "You know better than anyone how rumors spread in this city."

"True, but these rumors are... different. They speak of obsession, Viktor. And I find that intriguing. I thought you might too."

I leaned against the window, staring out at the city but seeing only Scarlet's face in my mind. "Obsession can be useful, Grayson. It sharpens the mind, focuses the will."

"Or it dulls the senses, blinds you to the bigger picture." Grayson's voice was suddenly serious, almost warning. "You’ve always been the predator, Viktor. Don’t forget that. It would be a shame to see you become the prey."

I knew what he was trying to do, and I wasn’t going to let him get in my head. "Don't worry about me, Grayson. I know exactly what I'm doing."

There was a pause, as if Grayson was considering how far to push. Finally, he spoke again, his voice softer, almost fatherly. "Just be careful. I've seen men like you fall, Viktor. And it's never pretty. You're playing a dangerous game."

"I thrive on danger." I replied coldly. "You should know that by now."

Grayson sighed, the sound of someone who knew he wasn't going to win this argument. "Fine. But remember, I'm here if you need me. Or if things get... complicated."

"I'll keep that in mind," I said, though we both knew I wouldn’t. I had never needed anyone, and I wasn’t about to start now.

Without another word, I ended the call and tossed the phone onto the table. Grayson's warning lingered in the air, a ghost of doubt that I quickly shoved aside. He didn’t understand. He couldn’t.

Into the Wolf's Den: Little Red's Tale of Romance Where stories live. Discover now