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   I wake up to my aunt pounding on my cupboard door. I sit up and look in to the small mirror hanging on the wall. My jet black hair is swept to the left, my onyx eyes shimmer slightly, my light tan-ish skin, muscled body, and my scar.

   I open the door and climb out slowly as I look around. I stand up straight and close the door before going in to the kitchen. I see aunt Petunia standing at the stove and she glares at me.


   "Get to cooking boy."




   "What did you say?"




  "Vernon!" My obese uncle walks in and shoots me a look of disgust.

   "What Petunia?"


   "The boy told me no." My uncle smirks evily. He throws a punch at my face but I immobilize him before it connects.


  "I'm done with you people. Drive me to the Leaky Cauldron and I'll be gone."

   "Why should we?"

   "I'll show you how freaky I really am."

   "Get in the car." I get in the car and as we're driving I think about the future. As we're driving I change my baggy clothes in to black jeans, a black wife beater, and black Vans. Once we get there I go to Gringotts and go in. I go to the podium and cough to get the goblins attention.




  "Potter." He nods and another goblin walks over to me. He leads me to a room and tells me to sit down. I sit in an armchair and wait for the next goblin to enter and five minutes later another one walks in.


   "Prick your finger over the parchment." I do as told and squeeze three drops on to the three boxes. It takes a minute for the goblin to start reacting as he reads but he does reacts.


   "Read this." He hands me the parchment before getting up and walking out. I read over it a few times and while my face is masked with calmness I'm screaming inside.


    "Hadrian Amir Snape-Potter." Hmm. I have a very charming name. The goblin comes back in and hands me another piece of parchment. I look over it twice before looking up at the goblins.

   "Is this for real?" They nod and I smirk inwardly before standing up.


  "Thank you for your time." I go to leave but they stop me at the door. They hand me a black card and I raise a brow. I look back down to see it now has my full name in shiny gold cursive on the front.

   "Thank you." I walk out of Gringotts and head to Twillfit and Tattings. As I open the door a platinum blonde runs in to me.


   "No problem." I walk in and wait until the assistant walks over to me with a sickeningly sweet smile.


  "How may I help you?"

    "I need seven pairs of black jeans, seven black silk button ups, black silk pajamas, a tuxedo, and white button ups." She nods and walks away and not ten minutes later she comes back holding a parcel. I pay for my stuff before going to Flourish and Blotts to get my books for school. As I walk in I notice a girl trying to get a book of the top shelf.

   I summon two with a flick of my wrist and grab them with my left hand. I hand one to her and smile before going to get the rest of my books. I take them to a register once I have all of them and then look at the girl.

    "Charge her expenses to my card." He nods and I smile at him before walking out of the store with a small smile. I head to Ollivanders and start trying out wands. Two hours later I still don't have a wand and I frown slightly.

   I walk out of the store and in to the trunk shop across the street. I get a black trunk and a black satchel before paying for the both of them. I put featherweight charms on both and an endless charm on the satchel.

   I walk down Knockturn Alley and in to a tattoo parlor. I sit in the chair and write down what I want. I have the words Protector infirmorum on my shoulder and I end up getting my ear pierced with a black stud.


   I look in the mirror and smile before paying the man and leaving. I head back in to Diagon Alley and then to Hogsmeade. I purchase the third floor of an apartment building and smile as I walk in. It's fully modernized and furnished so I don't have to worry about that.

   I walk in to my room and pack all my clothes in to the trunk along with the satchel. I go in to the leaving room and sit down on the couch with a smile. I go outside on to the balcony when I hear a thump and I see a box and a letter.

   I open the box to see a black IPhone 6, black Apple earbuds, black headphones, a hard black case, and a black IPad. Least they got it in my favorite color. I smile and put the tablet, phone, and earbuds in to my trunk while the headphones and laptop go on my desk.

   I walk out of the building and head down the street to The Three Broomsticks. I walk in and look at the menu before ordering a butterbeer. I drink the warm sweet liquid before going in to the quill store. I get ten black quills, a black journal, some parchment, and a pot of clear ink.

   You say what color you want so you don't have to buy a million different pots of ink. I pay for them before sending the stuff to my room. I go to the muggle world and to the nearest mall for some more stuff. I get black shorts, black swimwear, black wife beaters, and some black sportsbuds before paying.

   I head home since it's nearly five so I put the stuff in to my trunk. I go in to the kitchen and make a sandwich before getting in to bed. I grab a book and read but by nine-thirty I've read all the school books. I turn off my lights and close my eyes with a deep sigh.

Hey, I'll update at 2 views, 2 comments, and 2 votes. The picture is Hadrian's living room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2015 ⏰

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