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Marlene knew Lily would hate it if Harry lived with the Dursleys. She knew that Dumbledore knew this. Dumbledore. How Marlene hated that (Excuse my language) bastard. He knew that the Potter Manor would be safer for Lily and James. After all, it had protective charms so ancient that a mere 50-year-old wizard couldn't break them.

She walked quickly, trying not to let unshed tears for Lily, James and Sirius fall. Sirius... Marlene couldn't understand how the man she had loved-had been engaged to- could betray Lily and James, who he considered brother and sister to the most evil wizard of all time ,especially considering the fact that he had a daughter at home. and Bella, how could she have betrayed Alice-her best friend? It could have been due to the death of her husband, but Bella had vowed when the twins were born- that she'd be there for them. Marlene just didn't understand this.

She remembered when the two of them were 13 and the Gryffindors were boo-ing the Slytherins trying out for Quidditch, Sirius saw Regulus trying out. Sirius immediately stopped and a look of pure longing replaced his eyes. A look she was in love with.

She remembered when they were 16 and she had first seen his scars after Avery had paralysed him, she remembered asking him about them, the anger she had felt when he told her that they were a 'goodbye gift' from his mother the night he ran away, she remembered the feel of his lips when she kissed him seconds later, the safety she felt when he promised her that he would always be there.

She remembered the look in his eyes when he told Voldemort that he would return to the 'Noble and Ancient House of Black' before he joined him- and there was a 0% chance of that happening.

She remembered feeling safe with him.

She remembered the mission before her parents died.

She remembered the cold terror she felt when she heard he, James and Lily faced Voldemort yet again.

Marlene Mackinnon remembered Sirius and she cried for him. She cried for a man she had loved.

Tears now falling down her cheeks,her godson safe in her arms, she reached her parents house.

She, Celeste  Harry would constantly be on the move, hiding from 'x' Death-Eaters, but if it kept her godson safe it was worth it.

And Marlene knew.

She would be there for him.

She would be a mother to him.

She was Marlene McKinnon and would handle all the challenges life threw at her.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30 ⏰

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