Gay little BBQ 😎 (tuna fic!❤️)

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Dusk painted the sky rose and tangerine. In Venus' back yard, everyone stood in little groups, lively chattering filling the warm air around them; Mars, Mercury and Earth standing in a circle whilst Venus stood in front of a black grill, cooking hamburgers— and every moon of each planet (Galilean moons, Saturn's moons, etc) sticking together in little groups and rarely leaving each others side unless necessary / if they wanted to.

With the rocky planets, Earth was blabbering (as always) on about a past experience he had , dropping a few witty remarks about the situation here and there while Mercury or Mars had smiles creeping over their faces every time. Luna however was in his own little world, staring off into the distance in the direction of Titan, watching the way his face would split into a grin every time he said a joke and succeeds in getting the other moons to let out hearty giggles or laughs, or the way his water color eyes would sparkle every time he was talking about a topic he was passionate about. Every time Luna saw these small details, he'd have a subconscious smile snake up his face which completely passed by the other's minds because they didn't even notice— but once when Earth was yapping on, he saw the soft smile out of his peripheral vision and cocked an eyebrow, looking down at Luna, his different colored eyes studying Luna's expression:

"Looking at someone in particular?" Earth asks, smirking a little when he saw the look in Luna's eyes. This drew the attention of the other rocky planet and they gazed at Luna with soft curious yet questioning gazes. Luna hadn't even realized what he was doing, and heat flared in his cheeks. "Ah— what? No... no of course not. Just... thinking." He nervously chuckles, ignoring the hammering of his heart. Earth huffs light heartedly, "Oh, please. It's so obvious you're gushing over Titan. Just go have fun, okay? Nobody is stopping ya'. I'll be right here." He smiles encouragingly , nudging his younger brother in the direction of Titan. Luna opened his mouth to debate but before he could even process it his legs were moving him forward towards. Mimas tilted his head when he saw the familiar friendly moon approaching and a dorky grin stretched across his face:

"Hey, look. Your boyfriend is coming! 🤓🤓🤓" He snorts obnoxiously. Titan's cheeks flashed red, his eyes widening and his mouth slightly agape as he spun around to see Luna approaching, causing his heart to leap into his throat , suddenly nervous. He turns back to the other moons of Saturn, "W... What?? Luna isn't my boyfriend! (Not yet atleast)"

"Uh huh. Suuureee he isn't..." Enceladus chimed in, nodding slowly, squinting his eyes, clearly not convinced. "He's—!"

"Hey, Titan."

The words died on Titan's tongue and he turned his back to the other moons of Saturn , giving Luna all his attention while the others snuck off. In the light of dusk, Titan could swear Luna was practically glowing— with his grayish eyes that sparkled like diamonds and brown grey and white curly poofy hair that framed his vitiligo face.  "Hey, Luna... what's up?" Titan gave him a wobbly smile, subconsciously pulling at his jacket, having to practically yell above the loud music that was playing just to be heard. Luna looked around before replying,

"Good— Ehm, can we go somewhere a bit more quiet..?? I need help with something and I just remembered." He sheepishly admits, inching closer which made Titan's heartbeat go even faster than it already was. Titan immediately nods, "Of course. Lead the way." Luna smiles , subconsciously taking Titan's hand in his which sent off fireworks in Titan's head as they swerved through groups of people to reach the much quieter corner of the lawn where Luna's motorbike was. It was a fancy pale lavender motorbike that had a slight glimmer to it— though there was one imperfection about it— one of the tires was sunken as if punctured. Titan hummed to himself once he pinpointed the problem. Luna knelt down into the grass beside the bike, sighing.

"Yeah, it's bad. I honestly don't even remember doing anything that made the back tire that flat," He pauses briefly before his mesmerizing and gentle eyes met Titan's again, "There's a spare tire in the shed over there," He nods off to where a dusty and old and slightly worn down beige shed was, "Could you go get the tire from it and bring it back here for me?" Titan immediately nods and practically runs to the shed, returning with a slightly dusty yet brand new motorbike tire.

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