vars date canon?!

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Mars sat in solitude in a booth in a restaurant, the gentle sound of overlapping chatter filling the warm atmosphere of the building. Mars checks his watch for the countless time a bit restlessly, watching the clock hands inch closer to 8:30pm and whenever he'd hear the doors open he'd always feel hope bubbling in his chest that it was Venus who was a bit late , only for it to not be. As soon as Mars started to think Venus wasn't coming after all, that's when a  familiar gruff voice ahead of him caught his attention,

"Hey, Mars, sorry I'm late." Meeting his gaze, Mars' heart flutters at the sight at how breathtaking Venus looked in the lights overhead, and to add onto that, the way Venus was looking at him as a soft smile snaked up his face, something Mars would rarely see him have on his face, but never failed to make his stomach do summersaults every time he caught a glimpse of it.

Unaware of how long he was gushing over Venus, he was brought back to reality by Venus' soft and tender touch on one of his hands resting on the tabletop, "Uh— Mars, you okay?" Venus asks gently, before quickly taking his hand away much to Mars' disappointment. He clears his throat, sitting up straight and blinking a few times to clear his head, "Ah.. Yeah, I'm good. Just... thinkin'." Mars replies gently. He pauses before scanning Venus' face as if treasuring every feature, "You know, you look ... breathtaking tonight, Venus."

This caught Venus off guard and suddenly a gentle red hue filled his cheeks as warmth filled his chest. Venus chuckles nervously, "You think so?" He stammers. Mars nods slowly, gazing at Venus with hearts in his eyes. He replies, his voice just above a whisper as he traces the rim of the glass he was drinking from in slow movements , "Of course. I mean... when don't you look breathtaking? You're absolutely stunning, Venus. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise." He flirts. Venus avoids eye contact, a bit bashful at the sudden whiplash of compliments.

He wasn't used to being shown affection from anyone, so randomly receiving these statements was a bit overwhelming for him. He felt as if he was overheating despite the comfortable lukewarm atmosphere around the two. Venus struggles to speak which makes him feel worse about the situation, embarrassing him slightly. His voice quaked as he spoke, "I... Thank you, Mars. Really. Nobody's ever talked to me like that before." Mars' gentle smile widens a tiny bit and he subconsciously starts inching his hand towards Venus', "You're welcome. People really need to stop taking you for granted. You're... not a bad person at all. I really enjoy spending time with you, Venus." Mars coos, blush dusting his cheeks slightly.

The duo spent the rest of the night chatting and laughing together and sometimes just sitting in serene silence. They eventually checked out and walked outside , the cool autumn breeze sweeping by. Leaves of oranges and reds fell from trees like puzzle pieces into place onto the ground , a lot of them grouping into large piles. Mars guides Venus to a bench , lamp posts on sidewalks illuminating them as they talked, Mars taking several moments to steal glances at Venus for the sole purpose of watching him smile or laugh whenever he told a joke or made a witty remark about a past memory he had.


Earth grunts, sandwiching himself in between Luna and Mercury who were practically on the very edges of their hiding spot , being one inch from being in plain sight and getting caught by Venus and Mars. Mercury huffs, "What are you doing... why do you have to be in the middle?" He whispers, looking up at Earth who was watching the interaction between Mars and Venus while peeking over the bush, not taking their eyes off the love birds. He replies in a whisper back, "Because the angle from the middle of the bush is better." Luna and Mercury exchange a look. "Okay then...?" Luna mumbles.

Mars pauses, taking a deep breath before suddenly turning his entire body towards Venus on the bench. He felt his heart hammering in his chest, but he knew if he didn't say what he had to say now he'd likely chicken out if he tried later on. "Venus... there's something I have to get off my chest." Immediately providing his full undivided attention, Venus pauses what he was saying to Mars before and looked at him with a gentle and curious look, feeling his gut twist in anticipation. "...What is it?" Mars looks into Venus' eyes as if charting the constellations in them in his mind before continuing in a hushed tone, "I... This might be a little soon... but... I don't think I can keep ignoring my emotions. I have feelings for you, Venus. I love you. I... I always have since the beginning when we stopped being friends with Earth in the past. And ... since then, whenever I look at you, I feel so much love to where it's almost overwhelming— and, I'm completely okay staying friends if you don't feel the same. I can't force my feelings on to you, you know?" Venus was stunned, flustered as this ramble went on, and he couldn't get a word in before Mars continued, all he could say was "Mars." Before he was cut off, "Because that'd just be wrong and—" "Mars..!" "I just—"

Venus suddenly gently grabs the front of Mars' shirt and pulls him in, closing the gap between them as Venus' lips pressed against Mars' in a kiss so tender yet filled with months worth of *so* much pent up romantic tension. Mars froze, his heart beat ticking up as his eyes widen, his face flushing. With clammy shaky hands, he raises them to Venus' face to cup his face as they kiss, his eyes fluttering closed, sighing contentedly as the kiss continued. For a moment, it felt as if it was just them in the entire world and he never wanted this moment to end. Eventually, they pull away, only to be interrupted—

Earth immediately stood up from behind the bush, exclaiming , his eyes wide in absolute perplexity and flabbergast as Luna and Mercury stood behind him, just as shocked, "WHAT. was that." He exclaims. Mars and Venus' eyes widened and they exchanged a look. This was gonna be a long story.

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