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Guilty as sin - Taylor Swift

Next DayXSchool Outside-Tables -

Lennea- I can't believe they found him

Noah - What did you think was going to happen?

Lennea - I don't know them leaving him alone and finding something better to do with their lives.

Liam - Sounds like a fairy tale Lennea.

Lennea - Shut up asshole. you know what I should do something.

Noah then burst out a quick laugh as soon as the words left my mouth.

Noah - how?

His smile is bigger than Mars, as he looks at me like a big dummy. That's now his new fascination.

Liam - No Lennea.

Lennea- They deserve it.

Noah - what are you going to do

Noah once again gets ignored.

Liam - Lennea no if he figures it out It was you. then you're going to be in a big mess. That I will have to clean.

Lennea - No you don't. Ugh everyone wants me to be their damsel in distress.-

LIAM - tf are you talking about?

You're talking too much Lennea. Now he's onto me. He started talking and going over how much I should mind my business and he will handle it. I was listening but then. Adrian came in from his car. Is it me or does he look hotter? I didn't feel this way about him yesterday. Well, not counting last night just. I swear he just smirked at me which made me instantly smile for some bewildering reason what is wrong with me?!?

Laim - Lennea- so am I clear?

Lennea - hm- yeah totally

Noah - alright talk to y'all later- imma see to Adrian.

Noah then leaves, not that I notice. I was still on Adrian holding our gaze.

Liam - Is something happening between you two?

Lennea - what-who?

I finally pull my head from Adrian. to focus on Liam and whatever he was talking about

Liam - Don't know if you know this but I have eyes. and you and Adrian were just staring at each other like your lives depended on it.

Lennea - Fuck u- and no nothing is going on with me and Adrian-I was just in my head.

About Adrian

Liam - alright sure- Colin took you home last night?

Lennea - yeah- mhm

Liam - Did he try something again?

Lennea - No Liam- Colin isn't that bad alright. At Least he doesn't cheat on me. He's not some lying floozy whore cheater who thinks of somebody else. Which is disgusting and that person should seriously get help right now.

My eyes started watering.

Liam - You okay?-You do know I asked one question and not a monologue?

Lennea - die Liam honestly.

Liam - I was joking-look you want to talk abt it

Lennea - no- I have to get to class.

X Class -

Liam is so on to me I can feel it. I am this close to getting caught and facing scrutiny. Why does he have to be so nosey and so observant and why did I like looking at Adrian? I'm not supposed to like it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14 ⏰

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