How do I become strong?

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Warning: I don't own anything, Thank you Fae_Fallenstar for the suggestion. I've been watching other animes so I don't remember much from this anime.

After a day of solo wars, Midorikawa is found in his bedroom lying on his bed.

"Ugh!" Midorikawa yelled and flopped onto his back, "I haven't won a solo war between me and Yuma not even once. Why?!"

He raised an arm over his face and sighed. "Every time I ask Yuma to do a solo wars with me I don't learn anything at all but Yuma ends up advancing and learning new things in no time. What's the difference between us?" He reached an arm into the air "What do I lack? What do I need to get stronger?" Then he let his arm fall back onto the bed.

"This is so frustrating!" Midorikawa yelled then silence came after, "I should get some rest" He sighed again and slept.

The very next day Midorikawa is found in the solo wars fighting multiple people one after another he ends up winning but he feels like he learned nothing from each battle. 

"Oh hey, Shun!" Yuma yelled waving as he walked over to him

"Yuma! Hi!" Midorikawa waved back, "Hey wanna do a solo wars with me?"

"Yeah sure thing!" So the duo depart into their stations ready to get teleported into battle. 

"No matter what, I still ended up losing and learned nothing, while Yuma beat me 2-8 I felt like he was just trying to be nice to me. Let me feel like I would have a chance but I still failed."

"Hey, do you want to go again?" Yuma asked me with his signature duck face

"No... It's ok more people are waiting in line to fight you, not just me so we don't need to go again. I'm going to go for a walk" Midorikawa said and left but his eyes weren't looking at Yuma they were stuck to the floor.

"Huh? Uh? Ok, see you later" Yuma waved, Midorikawa waved back and finally left the area. Afterward, he walked to a quieter area and then pressed his back against the closest wall. He slipped his whole body until he was on the floor he placed his legs close to his chest and rested his head on top of them. "I still haven't gotten stronger."

"How do I get stronger?"

After a couple of minutes passed by Midorikawa sat there thinking to himself and repeating the question over and over in his mind. Finally, after silence came a huge groan from the boy. 

"Ugh!!! I can't take this anymore. I'll just go up and ask him" Midorikawa said to himself and instantly got up. "Yeah if I can't think of anything the best course of action is to go talk to someone," Midorikawa said with a smile happily finally finding a solution to his problem.

After he departed back to the room where he last left. He scans the room hoping for a white hair boy. Lucky him the white hair boy was still there speaking to one of his friends.

"Hi Yuma!" Midorikawa waved running over to him and he spotted Osamu sitting next to him. "Hello, Osamu!"

"Oh hello Midorikawa," Osamu said and waved back

"Hi, Shun!" Yuma waved with a smile, "Did the walk help?"

"Mhm! Hey can I ask you something, well in private if you don't mind" Midroikawa said with a smile

"Sure, I'll see you later Osamu," Yuma said and went over to Midorikawa

"Ok, see you," Osamu said

The duo left for a quieter area of the building. "So what do you need from me?" 

"How are you so strong? And skill?" Midorikawa asked 

"Huh? Well..." Yuma placed a hand to his chin, "A lot of training"



"Oh, then I must not be training enough" 

"No, I think you are training lots" 



"I don't believe you, you must have done more than what I do now. Look at you, you are so skilled in battle. Each battle with you I see you learn a new thing each time while I can't even do anything new. I can't even learn from my mistakes."

"... Well it's really because of my past"

"Your past?"

"Yeah, at a young age I would have to fight in life or death wars, then when my dad died I had to take his place. the people who I was fighting for made me do many different things to make me improve so that they could win. But I became this way through my experience and training. So I believe you are-" Before Yuma could finish Midorikawa went and hugged him. In confusion, he hugged him back.

"Thank you"

"Huh? You're welcome?"

"I'm sorry"

"Why? You don't have to be sorry about my past if that's it"

"I'm sorry for that yes but also for the fact that I was so frustrated with the lack of skill I have. You have been put through rougher things than me while I haven't. I shouldn't be so frustrated I should be working harder." 

"I told you, you are already working lots"

"Well let's go do a solo war!" Midorikawa let go, "Race you!"

"You're on!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14 ⏰

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