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Among the Ironborn people who followed Euron Greyjoy, some were promised wealth and land, and some others were promised freedom to rape and reave in any land they wanted. They will not be questioned or punished for it. After the terms they asked were accepted, who were they to disobey Euron's orders? Anyway, Euron is going to be king. He is going to rule the seven kingdoms. For the first time in history, an Ironborn is going to be a king of seven kingdoms. Then who are they to defy him and go after that Yara bitch who lusts after women? They are not idiots. That's why they follow Euron, and that's why they are on the way to capture the Dorne bastards who did something to the mad woman who calls herself queen, and that's why they are here to capture the Yara bitch and her cockless idiot brother Theon.

But they were not told what they were getting into. They were only told that they were going to fight an eunuch army and some foreign hordes who were afraid of the sea. They were not told that they would be going up against a woman who commands dragons. They were not told they were going up against a Targaryen woman with a dragon just like Balerion the dread. They needed to be alive in order to enjoy the land and the wealth Euron promised. They need to be alive so that they can reave any land they want.

They thought it was a crow at first, but as it came nearer to the armada they had gathered to catch the enemies, they were sure that it was not a crow. It was a fucking dragon. It seemed like Euron was prepared for that at the beginning because he started to fire the big bolts that he ordered to attach to the ship two weeks before. But that was a fucking dragon he was trying to shoot at, and it was fast as fucking hell. All they could do was scream and cry in terror, or jump into the water in the hope of escaping the fire unleashed by the beast. The bolts that Euron was trying to fire at the dragon were running out, but he did not land a single bolt on them or at the woman that was sitting on it.

If only they knew that the Yara bitch had an alliance with a Targaryen who had dragons, they would not have followed Euron. That woman burnt everything that she set her eyes on. Everybody knows that the ship "The Silence" was a formidable ship and would run away at the sight of it, but she burnt it to pieces along with the people in it. But they were sure Euron would have escaped somehow. He definitely would have jumped into the water before she burned him.

She burnt everything, and they were stranded in the middle of the sea with no one to save them. They saw her leave on the dragon. All they could do now is swim back to the wretched king's landing and try to escape back to the Iron Islands and grovel to that bitch Yara. They also followed Euron because they did not want to bow to a woman, but now they have to grovel at her feet to let them live. What had their lives come to? That's what they thought. But the dragon whore's people were stationed on every land nearby to capture all those who escaped. She already knew we were coming. How could they possibly think they could beat her? Why did that stupid Euron Greyjoy not ally with the dragon whore? Now they are all going to die.


Daenerys heard their screams of terror and thought them music. She did not care that she had just destroyed a whole fleet of ships that they could use. Yara can just build new ships if she wants. She was finally relieved that the Euron Greyjoy problem was over. She knew that even if he escaped, Grey Worm would bring him to Dragonstone after capturing him from the sea. She really hoped that he was dead. But, even if he is not dead, she will kill him when he is brought before her.

She came back to Dragonstone when the dawn was starting to break in. She will get some rest before the chaos starts in the morning. She will receive prisoners and guests alike today, and she needs to be well rested before that.

Her unsullied from Highgarden will come back with Ser Jaime and the Tarlys. Lady Olenna's men will come back with the Maester or at least some sort of news about him. The Ironborn she sent to capture Euron Greyjoy will also arrive today. If she is right, the red priestess will also come today to tell her to invite the king in the north and treat with him. She really needs to be well rested in order to get through this day. By the afternoon, Cersei will be isolated just like she was isolated in her vision. If the Maester is alive when he is brought here, she will burn him right in front of Cersei. Frankly, Daenerys didn't think Cersei would care. She will burn Euron Greyjoy in front of Cersei too. She has other plans for the monstrosity she calls her guard. He was the one who killed her niece and nephew. She involuntarily winced when she thought of a living nephew she has now. She was trying really hard to ignore any thoughts of Jon.

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