Babysitting a Hinata

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Yachi soon finds herself disliking being alone.  

Yachi had always relished her time alone, but things had begun to change ever since she started spending time with Natsu. There was something unexpectedly calming about the routine they had fallen into—something that made her realize she didn't mind the company after all. It turned out that watching over Natsu while she did her homework was a soothing experience. The little girl didn't require constant attention; she just needed someone to be there, someone to keep an eye on her. This arrangement allowed Yachi to enjoy her solitude while still feeling a sense of companionship.

Days turned into weeks, and the once-occasional babysitting gig became a regular part of her life. 

On one particularly rainy day, Yachi's peaceful afternoon was interrupted by a phone call. She couldn't hear the exchange between her mother and Ms. Hinata clearly—only the muffled tones of their conversation drifting through the walls. It wasn't until later, as she was finishing up her English homework, that her mother called her into the living room.

"Ms. Hinata has to work, and no one else can watch Natsu today," her mother explained, a note of concern in her voice. "She was wondering if you could come over."

Yachi looked at her mother, her eyes silently pleading for permission. After a moment, her mother sighed and nodded. "I'll walk you there."

The rain was still coming down in sheets by the time they reached the Hinata household. Yachi's mother quickly said her goodbyes, hurrying toward the bus stop with her umbrella, leaving Yachi standing at the door with a mix of nervousness and excitement bubbling in her chest. It was a good kind of nervous, though—a feeling of anticipation she hadn't experienced before. She had never really had friends her age, and while Natsu was much younger, this felt like progress. She stepped into the cozy home, the smell of home-cooked food immediately wrapping around her like a warm blanket.

"Yachi!" Natsu squealed, running toward her with open arms. "I missed you," she mumbled into Yachi's shirt as she hugged her tightly. The gesture was so genuine, so heartwarming, that Yachi couldn't help but smile as she hugged the little girl back.

"She seems eager to see you," Ms. Hinata commented from the doorway, a small smile playing on her lips. "I would love to stay, but work calls. Oh, and I made some food for you both—feel free to help yourselves."

Yachi nodded, taking in the woman's instructions and the list of things she needed to be aware of while babysitting. Ms. Hinata soon grabbed her umbrella, gave them a final wave, and stepped out into the rain, leaving Yachi and Natsu alone in the house.

Their playdate began with a tour of the house, Natsu eagerly showing Yachi around. The little girl's excitement was infectious, and Yachi found herself smiling more than she had in a long time. Natsu showed her everything from her own room to the bathroom, carefully avoiding a few rooms—her mother's and brother's—which Yachi respected. Despite her age, Natsu seemed to understand the importance of privacy, and Yachi couldn't help but admire her for it.

Eventually, they found themselves in the living room, and Yachi headed to the kitchen to bring out the food Ms. Hinata had prepared. The smell was intoxicating, and Yachi's mouth watered as she closed her eyes for a moment, savoring the aroma. When she finally set the food down on the table, she realized she was hungrier than she'd thought.

Before long, both of them were digging into the fugashi, and Yachi decided it was much better than the takeout she usually had. In fact, it might just be her new favorite food. As she ate, she felt a pair of eyes on her and looked up to see Natsu blushing slightly.

"You're pretty like a fairy," Natsu said shyly, her cheeks turning a deeper shade of pink. The compliment was so unexpected, so pure, that Yachi almost choked on her food.

Natsu's brazen honesty was one of the things Yachi found most endearing about her. The little girl didn't think twice before saying what was on her mind, and it was refreshing. Yachi couldn't help but smile at the compliment, feeling her own cheeks warm a bit.

"And you're the cutest little furball," Yachi teased gently, reaching out to poke Natsu's cheek.

Natsu immediately pouted, turning her back to Yachi with a huff. "I'm not a furball," she grumbled, crossing her arms.

Yachi burst out laughing, clutching her stomach as the stubborn girl tried to maintain her serious expression. "Sorry, I didn't mean it like that. You're a princess! Happy?"

Natsu turned slightly, a small smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "Okay, I forgive you."

Before Yachi could respond, there was a sudden knock at the door. She glanced at the clock—it had barely been an hour since she'd arrived. There was no way Ms. Hinata was already back. A sense of unease began to creep up her spine as she considered the possibilities. Who could it be? Her thoughts took a darker turn, and she felt a chill run down her body. Before she could think to tell Natsu to hide, the little girl was already running toward the door, giggling with excitement.

"Natsu, wait!" Yachi shouted, stumbling to her feet and rushing after her. But Natsu was fast, her tiny legs carrying her across the room with surprising speed.

By the time Yachi caught up to her, it was too late. Natsu had already opened the door wide, her small hands grasping the doorknob as she peered outside.

"Wait!" Yachi screamed, stumbling forward. She braced herself for a collision with the floor, but instead, she found herself crashing into something soft.

"Ugh," Yachi grunted, trying to regain her balance. Her head spun slightly, but as she looked up, the breath was knocked out of her lungs.

Standing in the doorway was a boy. But not just any boy.

It was the boy who had hit her with a volleyball, the one who had ruined her crayon drawing in the supermarket parking lot. The boy who had whispered something infuriatingly teasing in her ear before running off with that annoying smirk on his face. The boy she had sworn revenge on.

And now, here he was, standing in front of her like some twisted joke of fate. Yachi's mind raced, trying to process the situation, but it all clicked into place when Natsu ran up to him, throwing her arms around his waist in a bear hug.

"Ah," Yachi thought numbly as the realization hit her.

This was Natsu's older brother.

Shoyo Hinata.


End of chapter.

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