CH 28- Broken Promises

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After Siya left, Arjun focused on his work. He wanted to finish quickly because he had promised her they would have dinner together. When he finished, he saw it was almost 8:00 PM.

Sitting at his desk, Arjun couldn't stop thinking about Siya.

He unexpectedly smiled, which even surprised him.

These days, she is always on his mind. Even when he tried to forget her, he couldn't. It was like she had taken over his thoughts.

He used to hate her so much that he wanted to destroy her completely. He couldn't even stand seeing her. But now, he wanted her to be around him only.

It's not that he didn't hate her anymore, he still does, but maybe a little less than before.

Has he started liking her? Maybe? He wasn't sure, maybe just a bit.

Arjun felt both hate and affection toward her.

One thing was very clear- Siya was special to him, and he couldn't let her go. He has started to trust her.

But all this faded away when he remembered that she was Gautam's daughter.

He couldn't forget what Gautam and Kimaya did to his mother, ruining their happy family.

He wanted to take revenge on them at any cost. His first target was Gautam.

But unfortunately, Gautam died in an accident before Arjun could act, leaving his need for revenge unfulfilled.

He became so angry when he found this out, so he targeted Siya, thinking that hurting her would cause Gautam pain, even in death because she was his beloved daughter.

That's why he married her to make her suffer and give her pain.

Aarav even told him that it was wrong to hurt Siya for her father's deeds. But Arjun didn't believe she was innocent. But now, he realized she didn't know about her father's deeds.

After spending much time with her, he knew very well that she was not like her father at all.

Despite his betrayal, she never tried to hurt him. She stayed honest and loyal, even when she could have destroyed him.

But still, he could not forget the sins of her father. His blood boiled whenever he remembered what that person did to his family.


A 10-year-old boy was playing with his mother in the living room.

"Mumma, this isn't fair. You're letting me win on purpose." He said, looking sad.

His mother smiled.

"No, I'm not letting you win. You're just getting good at this, my son."

Arjun smiled back. Just then, the doorbell rang.

"Mira, go see who's at the door," Niharika said.

Mira returned shortly.

"Madam, Gautam Sahab is here."

Gautam walked in, and Arjun's face brightened. He ran to Gautam and hugged him.

"Hello, my champ!" Gautam said, lifting Arjun.

"Hello, uncle! It's been so long. I missed you." Arjun said warmly.

Gautam smiled.

"I missed you too, Arjun."

"But uncle, where's Little Angel? You said she'd come with you." Arjun asked, looking disappointed.

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