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↳The hallway is still buzzing with chaos when Iida starts floating in the air, his serious face looking way too composed for the madness around us. He raises a hand to get everyone's attention and says in that overly formal tone of his, "Everyone, please remain calm! The break-in was just the press trying to get a scoop on All Might. There's no real danger!"

The panicked energy drains out of the crowd, replaced by sighs of relief and annoyed grumbling. Everyone starts to calm down, but me? Nah, I see an opportunity here.

I burst into exaggerated, crocodile tears, throwing my hands up dramatically. "Why does All Might get all the crazy fangirls and boys? They should break the rules for me! I wanna be chased down the street with cameras and mics, too!"

Bakugo glares at me, clearly not in the mood for my antics. "Cut it out, Chainsaw Freak. Maybe you'll get one someday, but it's not happening today."

He doesn't mean it, of course, but I let myself get dragged back to class anyway, sniffling and pouting the whole way. The moment we step inside, I wipe away the tears and settle into my seat, thoroughly bored out of my mind.

Deku's mumbling something about how Iida should be the class rep, and everyone's nodding like it's the most brilliant idea ever, but I'm not listening. Instead, I'm having a staring contest with Mr. Aizawa, who's somehow managed to fall asleep with his eyes open. I lean forward, squinting to see if I can catch him blinking, but his eyes stay wide open, staring blankly ahead.

"C'mon, blink already," I lean even closer, practically falling out of my seat, trying to catch Mr. Aizawa in the act of blinking. I'm so focused on his unmoving eyes that I don't even notice Kirishima slide into the seat next to me.

"Y/N, what are you doing?" he asks, sounding both amused and confused.

"Shh, I'm trying to see if Mr. Aizawa ever blinks," I whisper back, not taking my eyes off our sleeping teacher.

Kirishima chuckles, nudging me with his elbow. "Good luck with that. He's like a rock when he's out."

"Pfft, I bet I could get him to blink," I mutter, finally leaning back in my chair with a sigh. "But man, I'm bored out of my mind."

"Yeah, today's been pretty intense, huh?" Kirishima says, his tone shifting to something a bit more serious. "But you handled it like a pro. You're pretty tough."

"Tough? Nah, I'm just stubborn," I reply, grinning. "If I let all the crazy stuff get to me, I'd never get anything done."

Kirishima nods, giving me one of those sincere smiles that makes me wonder how someone can be so genuine all the time. "Still, it's cool to see someone who doesn't let anything faze them. That's manly!"

I laugh, waving him off. "Manly, huh? I guess I'll take that as a compliment."

Before we can get too deep into the conversation, Todoroki, who's been sitting quietly across the aisle, turns his attention to us. His expression is as stoic as ever, but there's a curious glint in his eyes.

"Y/N, you don't seem to care much about what others think of you," he observes. "Is there a reason for that?"

I tilt my head, thinking it over. "I guess I've never really had the luxury to care, y'know? When you're just trying to get by, worrying about what people think is a waste of time. Besides, if I spent all day worrying about every little thing, I'd never have any fun."

Todoroki's eyes narrow slightly, like he's trying to understand something deeper about me. "You find joy in... chaos?"

I grin, leaning back in my chair and kicking my feet up on the desk. "Hell yeah, I do! Life's too short to play it safe. If you're not having fun, what's the point?"

Todoroki's expression doesn't change, but there's a slight twitch in his lip, like he might almost smile. "That's... an interesting perspective."

"C'mon, Todoroki," I tease, "don't tell me you've never wanted to just cut loose and go wild."

He hesitates, and for a second, I think he might actually answer, but then Mr. Aizawa suddenly stirs from his sleep, his eyes focusing on the class like nothing's happened.

"Alright, that's enough chit-chat," he grumbles, standing up. "We've got work to do."

I drop my feet off the desk and sit up straight, but I can't resist shooting a smirk at Todoroki. "We'll continue this later."

As Mr. Aizawa starts going over the next part of the lesson, I zone out again, my thoughts drifting to what kind of chaos I could stir up next. I glance over at Kirishima, who's diligently taking notes, and then at Todoroki, who's focused but still seems to be mulling over our conversation.

Yeah, this class is full of interesting people. Maybe this school won't be so boring after all.

By the time the lesson ends, I'm already itching to get out of my seat. As the bell rings, signaling the end of the period, I'm the first one up, shoving my books into my bag. Kirishima catches up to me as we head out the door.

"So, what's your plan for the rest of the day?" he asks, falling into step beside me.

"Dunno," I say, shrugging. "Maybe see what kind of trouble I can get into. You?"

He laughs, shaking his head. "I'll probably hit the gym or something. Gotta stay in top shape, y'know?"

"Man, you're too serious," I tease, elbowing him. "But hey, maybe I'll join you. Could be fun."

"Really?" He looks genuinely surprised. "I didn't think you were into working out."

"I'm into anything that lets me blow off steam," I reply with a grin. "Plus, it'll be fun to see if I can outlift you."

Kirishima grins back, his eyes lighting up with that competitive spirit I've come to expect from him. "You're on, Y/N!"

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