The fight

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I was on the roof eating my lunch like every day in peace but here comes the mean group or we may call them ‘’the brats’’.

“Get up now brat or I will beat you up.’’ said Alice. The meanest or the leader you would say.

‘’Ok ok just don't hit me ‘’ said Zoey.

She was saying mean things to me but I didn’t care then she said ‘’ You are just like your mother mean, drunk, and your dad has never been there hahaha hahaha’’. I lost it I punched her face so hard I knocked out some of her teeth and I said “don't talk about my mom that way  you brat you don't know what happens when I am home NOW SHUT UP NOW!’’ I was crying when I was saying that but it was not just sad tears but angry ones. When the teacher pulled me away I had blood covering my hands and she was crying and covered in blood.

’’ WHAT ARE YOU DOING ZOEY’’ said Lizzy.

I was carried out by police for attacking a girl. Since I was under the age of 18 I was sent home for 2 months on probation.

(Sorry this chapter was short, the next one will be longer, love you my pups and tell me if you have a comment or a suggestion)

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