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The bar calls me. It's more of an old people hang out, but the drinks are cheap and the thoughts seem to wash away in such an environment. The drive from my parents house was rather long, longer than the drive there. I left feeling unsatisfied, as if I was playing a character the whole time. My parents seem to know me as this goody two shoes little girl. They haven't seemed to notice the way my sunken in face stared at them blankly. Or the way the words spoken from my mouth were soulless.
When I got back home to change and get ready, the house felt cold. Oddly cold. It is winter, but this was a different kind of cold. I brushed it off and made my way to my bedroom.
I changed into my favorite pair of black jeans, the ones that hug your body just right. They had rips and holes in the knees, exposing the rosy shade on my skin. I threw on a white "The Cure" t-shirt over top. I never really was a fan, or even listened to their music but it was a gift from a long time friend. Since it was still winter, I threw on a long trench coat style puffer jacket, paired with high heeled boots and a warm, knitted tuque.

When I got to the bar, it was crowded. It's never usually packed on a night like this. I make my way to the back, taking off my winter coat and hat at the closet station. I pay the fee and leave the room, looking back once more. I'm not sure why my brain requested me to do this action, but it had to be done.
I head over to the bar, calling the bartender over. I ordered my usual, a Vesper.

"Hey, it's been a while N/N! Glad to see you back." The bubbly woman on the other side of the bar greeted me as if we were old friends. I chatted with her for another few minutes, as she had other patrons to attend to. You slowly sip on your drink as minutes pass, then hours.
Your now empty drink laid infront of you on the table, ice melting into condensation leaving a water ring on the bar, something the old wood was used to. Deciding that it's about time to go home, you stumble to your car. Standing out in the parking lot trying to find your car, someone suddenly grabs your arm. You jolt out of fear, but notice a taller girl standing next to you, staring straight ahead.
"Just keep walking." She says in a hushed tone. "Someone's been watching you."
She walks me to my car and looks around, noticing nobody she turns back to me. That's when I noticed her appearance.
She had scars on the side of her lips that almost looked like a sewn glasgow smile, along with a... clock for an eye?.. I guess I shouldn't judge.

"Someone has been following you Y/N. You're in danger, and you have been for months." The monotone way she speaks leads me to want to believe her. Her bright green eyes stare right into mine, boring into my soul.
"I..." I attempt to respond, fear drilling itself into my brain and body. She cuts me off and places a hand on the roof of my car.
"Get in your car and go." She walks off after, leaving me alone in the dimly lit parking lot. Sobering up in seconds, I rush into my car and speed the fuck out of there. The entire ride home I clutched the steering wheel so hard, my knuckles turned white. I compulsively looked in my rearview mirrors all the way home and when I did get home I ran inside, but something stopped me. Some higher power made me stop directly infront of my door.
I felt a cold, electric chill go up my spine, as if I had millions of eyes on me. That's when I noticed a note taped to my door. This time, I didn't even read it. I just ran inside, locked the doors and called the RCMP.

They again, did nothing. This time though, they took the note with them for "analysis". Sounds like bullshit to me. They advised me to call a friend to come and stay with me overnight, and my first thought was Otto. I stepped out of the room while the cops searched my house and gave him a ring. The phone rang for a few seconds before going to voice-mail. He must be sleeping, it is almost midnight and most older folks go to bed pretty early. I sigh and tuck my phone back in my pocket. When I return to the officers, I lie and inform them that a friend will come stay with me. Seemingly satisfied, they leave.
Something seems off.

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