Promis c'est la dernière (POUR L'INSTANT).
A church house gin house
A school house outhouse
On highway number nineteen
The people keep the city clean
They call it Nutbush, oh Nutbush
They call it Nutbush city limits
You go to the fields on weekdays
And have a picnic on Labor Day
You go to town on Saturday
And go to church every Sunday
They call it Nutbush, oh Nutbush
They call it Nutbush city limits
No whiskey for sale
If you get drunk no bail
Salt pork and molasses
Is all you get in jail
They call it Nutbush, oh Nutbush
They call it Nutbush city,
A quiet little community
A one-horse town
You have to watch what you're putting down
Nutbush city limits, Nutbush city.
Oh Nutbush, they call it Nutbush, they call it Nutbush city limits !
Recueil de musique - [Première partie].
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