Part 1

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Roomates Taylor and Gracie are atempting to pull an all nighter , when they heard a sound and thought nothing of it. Soon enough their kitchen was engulfed in flames. They called firefighters, but Tay caught a little crush when a very handsome man rescued her.

Travis Kelce's pov:
I was in my bathroom getting ready for my night shift at the fire house when Kayla called.

"Hey baby!" She said excitedly, I knew why she was excited, she thought I was proposing, but I wasnt I was actually just slowly falling out of love. I felt bad but she was so sweet I couldnt break her heart.

"Hi honey." I said in the middle of brushing my teeth.

"I was calling to ask you when you'll be home tonight, maybe we can go out to eat?" She asked

"Uhh maybe, I dont know when i'll be home but i will update you." I heard the blinker on the other side of the phone.

"Ok, I love you!"

"Love you." And I hung up the phone. I dont want to feel any worse than I already do. I finished in the bathroom and grabbed my work bag. I left the house and drove to the station.

"Hey, Trav!" Patrick called out to me. "Hey Pat!" I gave him a quick hug and we walked inside, "How was your honeymoon?" I asked him. "Amazing and I love Sterling with my whole heart but it was really nice not to be around kids." I chuckled, "Hey Kelce!" Captain called from upstairs. "Yeah?" "Someone's here to see you." My smile faded as I thought who it could be, I knew it was probably Kayla. I wished it wasnt but when I went upstairs and into the captains room there she was. "Baby!" She wrapped me in a hug and as much as I didnt want to hug here back, I did. "Hey kay, wait up for me we need to talk." I said before I even though about it. Shit. Her smile dropped, she knew what was coming. "Ok, I will." She choked out and walked away. I sighed and ran my hand threw my hair, then the siren blared. "Hustle!" Cap yelled and I ran to get my gear on.

Gracie Abrams pov:
"Hey tay?" I said as I peeked through the doorway of our built in studio. "Yeah Gracie?" She looked up at me. "Do you want to go out to eat tonight, at around 6?" I asked, she nodded. "Sure! what time is it now?" I looked at my watch, "1:34." Her eyes widened, "Shit!"  "What!" I asked concered. "Im late for my hair appointment." She said grabbing her keys and rushing out the door. I huffed and sat on the couch with the cats. "What do you guys want to watch Greys, Criminal minds, or Station 19?" I asked them, Benji meowed and I nodded, "I like the way you're thinkin' benj, Station 19 it is."

I must've fallen asleep because when I woke up Taylor was home with yogurt boy. I didnt like him, and Tay just didnt seem the happiest with him. "Joe stop!" She yelled and I immedietly jumped up and sprinted to her voice. "No, you're my girl friend so you do what I say!" He screamed I walked into her room and she was squirming under him, "Shut the fuck up! Joe get the hell out before I drag you by those big ass ears!" I shouted. Joe got off of Tay and she let out a giggle and Joe turned around and slapped her. "You dick!" I jumped at him and did exactly what I said I was gonna do if he didnt listen. "Now dont come crying, begging for her back she doesnt deserve you, you bastard!" He hurried down the hallway of our apartment building and I slammed the door shut. "Tay?" I heard her sniffle. "Can I just have a few minutes by myself?" She said innocently, "Yeah of course, i'll be on the couch." I said quietly and shut her door behind me.

Taylor came out 20 minutes later and sat right next to me. I held her close, "It's going to be okay Tay." I whispered and she nodded against my shoulder. "I love you." She said, "I love you too, do you still wanna go out or do you just want to stay in?" I asked her, "Stay in." I nodded and hugged her again. We sat on the couch switching between Greys Anotomy and Station 19 for hours. It was now 3 in the morning and we heard a loud bang from our kitchen. "What the hell was that?" I asked her. "Probably Meredith." She said quietly, I nodded, I then let my eye lids fall heavy.

I awoke with the smell of smoke filling my nose. "OMG GRACIE WE HAVE TO GET OUT RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!" Taylor screamed from the kitchen, and just like that the smoke alarm starts blaring. "OMG!!" I yelled and jolted off the couch, I grabbed my phone and grabbed Tay by her arm leading us out her door. "THE CATS GRACIE!" She yelled as we got outside, "WE CANT GO BACK IN LOOK!!" I pointed to the window of our apartment, it was engulfed in flames. "I CANT JUST LEAVE THEM IN THERE TO DIE!" She pulled her arm away and sprinted back in, there were so many paps I just started crying. "TAYLOR!!" I broke down on the cement and sobbed with my head in my hands. "NO!" I yelled, I could barely breathe. I heard the sirens in the distance, "Meow" My head shot up, "Benji?" Benji and Olivia ran out the apartment and ran over to me. "Omg Mer." I breathed. "Ma'am, are you okay?" A firefighter whom I assume is the captain came up to me, I shook my head trying not to cry again, "M- my roomate, is t- taylor swift and she just ran back into our room to get her cat." I sobbed. "Ok, it's ok we'll get her, I promise. May I get your name? and the room number?" I nodded. "Gracie Abrams. Room is 221." I mumbled. "Okay thank you." "Okay team get in there we have a pop star to save, room 221!!" He shouted.

It has been 15 minutes and they still havent came out with Tay yet, once in a while they came out with an older lady or a child, but not my Taylor. The captain came up to me and I shook my head, "No." I breathed, "I'm sorry, but we couldnt find her." "No! Please God no!" I sobbed and broke down once again. "She's my bestfriend!! Please go back in!" I pleaded, he shook his head and bear hugged me as I squirmed. "Cap, i've got her!" A very tall, muscley man came rushing out with Tay limp in his arms and a cat in her lap. "Taylor!!" The captain released his grasp from my body and I sprinted to her. "Ma'am im sorry but we need you to give us some space." He said sweetley and I nodded backing up. He handed me mer and I held her close to me. "Please wake up Tay." I said quietly and almost right on que she gasped for air, coughing as the big man placed an oxygen mask over her mouth and nose. "Oh my god, thank you!!" The man nodded and I got in the back of the ambulence with her. "Jesus christ Tay I almost lost you." "I know, im sorry." I hugged her tight. "I love you." "I love you too Gracie." She smiled.

Taylor Swift's pov:
I ran back in, I think that was the most stupid thing i've ever done. I sprinted up the two flights of stairs to get to my sweet Meredith. The door of our apartment already open, "Meredith!" I yelled, "Come here baby!" "Meow." I heard and it sounded like it came from under my bed. I ran to my bedroom, "Mer! Come here!" She meowed again but didnt come out. "Please Mer!" I lowered to the floor and layed down reaching my arms out, once meredith got close enough I stretched my body and grabbed her, but at that point I had been in there for 15 minutes and I was coughing uncontrollably; and that's when someone bursted through my bedroom door, I think it was the most beatiful man i've ever seen. His face, body, and god his voice. "Taylor?" He asked and I dropped to the floor the darkness taking over.

I woke up with a gasp. The same handsome man who came into my apartment saved my life. I looked around and saw Gracie climbing into the back of the ambulence. "Oh my god thank you!" She said and hugged me tight. "I love you." She said quietly, "I love you too."

Travis Kelce's pov:
I came in the door setting my bag and keys down, "Kayla?" I called out, "Living room!" She called back and I sighed rubbing my forehead before walking to the room. She was sat on the couch in silence and when I sat down next to her I took her hands in mine. "Okay, I need you to listen to me okay." I said and she nodded tears already welling up in her eyes. "You have been one of the best chapters of my life, and I feel terrible because I know you love me very much but I dont feel the same anymore. You were the best and made me so happy but I believe that our time is now over." She sighed and nodded, "I understand, I love you Travis but I do to think our time has come to an end." A tear slid down her face, but she just got up and grabbed her keys, leaving the front door wide open. I sighed and leaned back against the couch, and before I knew it I was asleep. But I wasnt thinking of Kayla, I was thinking of that beautiful blonde woman.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09 ⏰

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