"See you later, Sondie!'

It was a long walk from the dance studio to the beginning of Association Drive, where Folarin could get on the estate shuttle that would take him to the bustop.
Everyone that lived in Dolphin Estate, Ikoyi that didn't have a car knew that they would add serious counts to their Move Ring any time they wanted to commute into and out of the estate.

Without further adid, Folarin undid his headphones and plugged his ears shut and kept to strutting the walkway. He had the custom to dance sometimes when he walked with his ears plugged and this day was no different.
Friday classes were always the bomb because Coach Sondie was a vibe.

Just as he turned out of Island Way, walking toward Corporation Drive, he saw a black Innoson sedan that looked really cool, the coat was so shiny, he bet it was tear-rubber. He couldn't help but admire the car, he brought out his phone to pause the music. There was a Samoyed dog with its head popping out of the rear window behind the driver's seat, but that was the only window wound down and all the windows were tinted.
The dog barked at Flo.
Immediately the windows went up.
Flo thought that was pretty strange. He might be wrong but he felt he saw the same sedan on Wednesday, parked in front of his dance studio. But he didn't take any heed. It's Dolphin Estate. There are thousands of black sedans here, don't be ridiculous, he thought.
Why was he even thinking about it?
He just moved along.
There was a party later that night in VI and he wasn't planning to miss it.

But little did he know, that that occurrence with the black sedan and that party he would be attending later that night would be directly connected and in fact, life-changing.

The Party on Abudu Smith StreetWhere stories live. Discover now