.+*Chapter Twelve*+.

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Blitzø wanted to explode into a million horses at the sight of the most beautiful thing he saw for the first time in forever.

A whole section of the cruise that was dedicated to HORSES!

This just felt as a dream that came into reality, and he was ver the fucking moon happy for it.

"I'm just surprised that after everything you have gone through, you are still over the animals with your life" He heard Barbie say right behind him, and before he could say anything, Fizz also joined in the conversation.

"Trust me Barbs, this guy has been obsessed with them since the beginning of fucking history. It has always been so cool to watch though, and I highly recommend watching it all happen live, since it's so cool."

"Hey!" Blitzø said as he looked right behind them, walking backwards and holding an annoyed smile on his face.

"It's true though! You literally sleep with a horse blanket, have hundreds of horse figurines, AND spend the company money on My Little Pony and Spirit merch from earth for crying out loud!"

"Again, that merch was limited edition, so of course I had to get it and couldn't miss out on it!" Blitzø protested as hard as he could, but it was impossible to do so with Fizz out of all people.

What he said was TRUE, but horse merch was more important than anything else to him.

"To be fair, I would spend all of my money on Helluva-Novella shit, so that's not at all out of the ordinary." He heard Stolas say, and that practically had his heart melting in its ribcage.

Horse merch meant everything to him and was more important to anything, except a few things.

Stolas was one of those things, probably the most important thing on that list.

If it came to it, he would gladly sell all of the horse merch that he owned in order to keep Stolas safe and for his protection, no matter how sad he would be afterwards.

In fact, he would do that with all the people he cared about on this ship with him, except Cash, in order to save them, even though he would be devastated afterwards after his ten year collection was gone forever and ever.

"Y'all two act so similar; ain't no wonder that y'all ended up together. So perfect." Barbie said next to Blitzø, and she gave the couple a once over, and nodded her head. "Yup, perfect together."

"Oh, thank you Barbie." Blitzø watched as Stolas bowed down to her, and went back to walking on the right side of him, which he enjoyed.

Finally, they made it to the thing that Blitzø wanted to cry over: A horse themed water slide!

"I'm going first dibs!" he said quickly as he magically pulled out his horse pool floatie from out of the invisible pocket of space that Stolas stored it in, and was already running up to where the beginning was at.

However, both Fizz and Barbie were right behind him, and had their own horse floats of their own, with Barbie's being a red and grey horse, and Fizz's being all over the rainbow spectrum.

"Oh no you don't! Barbs, get him!" Blitzø was trying to be the quicker one, but with Barbie tackling him to the ground, Fizz was getting more ahead than he was, and he wasn't about to have any of it, not when it came down to ride on his favourite animal.

"Hey Stols, mind if I can grab some extra hands?"

Stolas was quick to hear what was going on, and with the poof of his magic, extra pairs of Blitzø's hands appeared from the same pocket of space, and managed to get Barbie off of him safely and without harming her.

"Man, that isn't fair!"

"You snooze, you lose! My hands, carry me to Fizz!" Said hands grabbed him bridal style, and started to carry him over to the top of the slide, where Fizz was already trying to make it to the top, but thanks to the VERY long staircase, was having trouble with it.

More time for him to be first! Yay!

"Hey Fizz, how's the stairs taking on your limbs." The minute he said that, Blitzø saw Fizz look up at him, and watched as twenty different expressions went over his face, before the one that looked the most shocked and the most jealous went across his whole expression.

"What! I didn't know that you could do that? Ozzie, why didn't you tell me Stolas was helping him out?"

Ozzie only shrugged his shoulder, and Stolas was only smiling at him, but not anything TOO wicked that it was hurtful. "I barely noticed anything happening in the first place and. . ." Blitzø didn't stay around to hear any of that, and kept on moving forward until he was at the very top of the waterslide, with a pool float in hand.

"Yes! I'm first! Haha, you two are losers!"

"You had magic to help you out, so you technically cheated your way over here." he heard Barbie say right over him, and he turned around to only see her already at the top of the slide, giving him a smirk, and Blitzø was just left confused.

"Fast past lane. You really should have thought smarter with all the hands carrying you like you got married to yourself."

Blitzø had to roll his eyes with that, and thankfully, before he could retoiler back, they both saw Fizz coming his way, and he looked like he ran the marathon front and back over twenty times, and he was somewhat pissed.

"So. Not fair. Cool play though, but not fair." Fizz stated as he lightly punched Blitzø on the shoulder, which made him wince a bit in pain, but not too much of it.

"Okay, I get it, now that everyone is on here, can we go down the slide?" The other two seemed to calm down after that, and they nodded their heads in response.

Thankfully, the ride didn't have much of a line, and so they moved over to where it was at. "Who wants to go first?" Blitzø asked the both of them, before he saw wicked smiles appear on their faces, and that already wasn't a good sign.

"Uhh guys? What are you doing?"

"Getting some worthwhile hand payback. . "

"What does that meaAAAANNN!" Before he knew it, the both of them pushed him down the slide, with them following him at the same time. Blitzø wanted to be terrified, and he kinda was.

But it was with horses, so it didn't really matter with the outcome anyways.

"Yall are bitches!" he yelled to them, but all they did was laugh his way.

It didn't matter, he would worry and get revenge with those two later.

But for right now as a vacation, this was an excellent start.


A/N Sorry for the short chapter this week. As I said with my new update, I'm doing Sunday posting, and this is the first day of doing so. I will get more used to it as the weeks go on, but for right now, I'm ready to head off to bed and take a nap. Anyways, a much longer one next week, and I hope to see you all real soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15 ⏰

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