p r o l o g u e .

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s u m m a r y .

Of all the things she is unsure of, Audrey can count the most critical uncertainties in her life on a single hand:

1. Whether or not college will be a complete waste of her time.
2. The number of occasions her mother has yelled at her for borrowing money without her permission.
3. How on earth she wound up in a relationship with Cole Mathers.
4. Why her father won't return her calls.

And last, but certainly not least: her sexuality.

Not that she'd ever admit that to anyone, though.

a / n .

• Yes, this is going to be one of those journey-towards-self-discovery type stories. No, it's not as cliché as you may expect. (Sorry if it ends up that way.)
This is somewhat based on my own experience with sexuality and relationships. That being said, all the characters that appear in this story are very close to my heart.
I want to keep this story as light-hearted as possible, but some triggering situations may be brought up from time to time. Nothing too drastic, though.
I have this compulsive need to assign each of my characters a celebrity face. If you can't picture who I've chosen for a particular role, then feel free to come up with your own!
From the general concept to the characters, this is a project that I am very, very proud of. I can't wait for you all to experience it as well!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2015 ⏰

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