♡•7•♡Meeting again!!

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I looked at the clock and it was 1am and my stomach growled

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I looked at the clock and it was 1am and my stomach growled...yarrr ,

I huffed and went downstairs... Vihaan went to his hometown 1 week ago and I'm living all alone here.. he seemed depressed.....i guess he is still upset regarding his office matter......anyways he just needs time..as time heals everything...

The boys decided to shift in my apartment next week all together....

Yesss !! We will live together from now on...

I was in my thoughts when my stomach growled again....

Uff...I went into the kitchen and searched for something, but there was not a single grain of food left in the house...

Fine let's go shopping at this hour!!! I changed into my hoodie and wore a mask!! Hehe !! I don't want to be recognized by others...I'm a celebrity though...I mentally flipped my hair...

As the mart is not so far , I decided to walk to the shop...I just hope nobody notices me walking out alone....I kept my hands in my pockets and started walking...It would take me 15 minutes to reach !!

Suddenly I heard some footsteps behind me...I looked back but there was nobody.... I started moving at a faster pace and the noise grew more louder...By the time I knew something is wrong !! Out of the blue the noise stopped that rooted me in my place....The place was very quiet and pitch black ....I switched on the flashlight of my phone and lifted it towards the road !! I felt a presence at my back and I turned around...

Shit !! There stood the 'Jhulfi and his gang' Dude don't they have any other time to show up....why àlways in the midnight and that too in such a quiet place....

So...basically they lost in a car race with me and they promised to take a revenge of the insult I threw on their faces. But I always managed to escape....

"Mr. Racer, where is your car today?" Jhulfi 'the boss' of his gang said with a dirty smirk on his face...

...I'm not a coward to hide from them but I was always in my car whenever they tried to attack. That helped me to escape...but today I don't think that I can run away from their clutches... TODAY I'M GONE !! My impulses worked quickly and I ran away from that spot !!

I looked behind and saw them chasing me....

"STOP RIGHT THERE , YOU COWARD !!" I heard their boss shouting....

I ran with all my strength and looked behind at those dogs....THUD!!!

Seriously!! Now this was the only thing left to happen...I bumped into the trash !! LUCKY ME !!I saw them approching me like hungry wolves who are thirsty for their revenge...

" But it's no time to go into your thoughts Neel !! C'mon hurry up !! You have a concert one week later and you don't want to ruin your handsome face, right ?" My brain shouted....

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