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As Ayla walked through the grand halls of the castle, she couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off. Min Yoongi, the royal secretary, led the way, his expression unreadable. Ayla followed silently, trying to piece together why she was being paraded around instead of locked up or tested in some horrific way.

Their first stop was a lavish dining hall where a man greeted her with a bright smile and a bow. “Hi, I’m Kim Seokjin, head of the Royal Household.”
Ayla returned the smile, masking her suspicion.
Why the warm welcome? Aren’t they supposed to be questioning me or something? She nodded and moved on.

Next, Yoongi introduced her to a stern man in uniform. “Commander Jung-Ho Soek,” Yoongi said, simply. The commander offered a respectful bow, his face as serious as stone.Ayla nodded back, her mind racing.

A commander? Why do I feel like I’m being sized up?In the study, a man with a book looked up as they entered.

“Kim Namjoon, the Regent,” Yoongi introduced. Namjoon nodded in greeting, his eyes sharp and thoughtful.Ayla forced another smile, playing along. This just keeps getting weirder.

Finally, they arrived at a room filled with the scent of herbs. A man smiled gently and bowed. “Kim Taehyung,” Yoongi said, his introduction brief.

Taehyung's polite smile did little to ease Ayla’s nerves.Okay, so now I’ve met the doctor.
Wonderful, Ayla thought, but she kept her doubts to herself.

With the introductions over, Yoongi stopped in front of a pair of grand doors. “The king awaits.”Ayla took a breath. So this is it. Time to find out why they’re treating me like a guest instead of a prisoner.

As Ayla stood before the emperor, he greeted her warmly, saying, "Welcome, dear. We have been waiting for you." Her thoughts raced. *For me? Why?* she wondered, suspicion tightening in her chest. The emperor seemed to sense her confusion. "I know you have questions," he continued, "and I'll answer all of them. But first, let me introduce you to Prince Jungkook and Jimin, my only sons." Ayla’s heart sank as she realized the intruder who had smirked at her was none other than Prince Jungkook himself.

"You are welcome to stay in the Moon Land until the full moon," the king said warmly. “After that, you may leave at your convenience.” Ayla’s eyebrows knit together in curiosity. *Stay until the full moon? Why?* Her mind raced with questions, but the king’s serene expression made her hesitate to voice them. “Thank you,” she said cautiously, her voice laced with suspicion.

The king continued smoothly, “We understand that this is a lot to take in. The full moon will give you time to acclimate and understand our customs. It’s also an opportunity for you to get to know the land and its people.” He then turned to Prince Jungkook. “Prince Jungkook will show you around. Feel free to explore—here, you are our guest.”


As Ayla followed Prince Jungkook through the bustling streets of the Moon Land, her curiosity began to spark amid her frustration. Jungkook moved with an air of confident ease, excitedly pointing out various landmarks.

“And over here,” Jungkook said with a dramatic flourish, “is the Grand Bazaar, where you’ll find the finest goods and magical trinkets.”

Ayla glanced around, noting the people’s unusual, milky white appearance. “Why does everyone look so… milky white?” she asked.

Jungkook flashed a smile. “Ah, that’s due to our unique magical aura. The moonlight here enhances our natural appearance, giving us this ethereal glow.”

Ayla took in the sight with interest, then noticed the vibrant blue flowers blooming everywhere. “And these blue flowers? I haven’t seen anything like them before.”

Jungkook’s eyes sparkled. “Those are Shemraldo flowers. They only bloom in the Moon Land under the full moon’s light. They’re a symbol of our realm’s magic.”

As they continued, Ayla found herself studying Jungkook up close. She noticed his sharp jawline and doe-like eyes, which gave him an innocent yet princely appearance. For a moment, she couldn’t help but admire his striking features.

Jungkook caught her gaze and smirked. “You see, I know I’m exceptionally handsome. No need to stare so much.”

Ayla smiled, her cheeks flushing slightly. “You really are,” she admitted, her tone light.

Jungkook’s grin widened, clearly pleased by the compliment. “Thank you. I do my best. But let’s focus on the tour for now.”

Ahh!! Also , I’ve heard you might have some special abilities. What kind of powers do you have?”Ayla looked at him, puzzled. “Powers? I don’t have any powers. I’m just here to experience the Moon Land.”

Jungkook’s smile widened slightly, his eyes gleaming with hidden intent. “Oh, really? Sometimes people have abilities they’re not even aware of. Maybe the full moon will reveal something new.”

Ayla frowned, feeling a bit uneasy. “I’ve been told I’m just a regular guest. I don’t think I have any special abilities.”Jungkook shrugged, feigning nonchalance.

Ayla laughed softly, feeling a bit uneasy  despite her lingering questions. Jungkook guided her through the next street with practiced ease, his demeanor relaxed and charming. “Enjoy yourself. And if anything unusual happens, you’ll know where to find me.”

Despite her doubts about hidden powers, Ayla couldn’t help but feel a twinge of curiosity.

THE MIDNIGHT PLATFORM - JEON JUNGKOOK FFWhere stories live. Discover now