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Professor Lupin: Hello class.

Class: Hello

Professor Lupin: I am Professor Lupin and I will be you defence against the dark arts professor for this year.

The wardrobe behind him rattles and we all look at it curiously.

Dean: Sir whats in the box.

Lupin: Ah I'm glad you asked Mr? Thomas.  Can anyone guess what it might be.

Hermione's hand shoots up.

Lupin: Yes miss?

Hermione: Hermione Granger. A boggart.

lupin: Yes very well done 5 points to Gryffindor. And anyone tell me what a boggart does and why it would be in a wardrobe?

Hermione's hand shoots up again. 

Lupin: Yes miss Granger.

Hermione: A Boggart changes to what we fear the most it usually hides in dark places like wardrobes no one has ever seen one as soon as its let out it changes to what a person fears the most.

Lupin: Excellent Miss Granger 5 more points to Gryffindor. Now today we're gonna learn how to get rid of one. Now a boggart's greatest weakness is laughter. Already with so many of us in the room we already have an advantage. can anyone tell me what that is?

This time Harry's hand goes up.

Lupin: Yes Harry

Harry: Is it because there is too many of us in the room and erm it would get confused as to what to change to?

 Lupin: Excellent very well done 5 more points to Gryffindor. Now I want everyone to picture the thing they fear the very most and turn it into something funny. Now repeat after me riddikulus yes very good.

I distinctively hear Draco say this class is riddikulus

Lupin: Longbottom isn't it. Yes come up if you may.

Neville tentatively walks up to Professor Lupin. 

Lupin: You can be my helper right so Neville what do you fear the most

Neville mumbles a response.

Lupin: a little louder

Neville: Professor Snape.

A few people laugh. Oh bless him Snape is awful to him in lesoons.

Lupin: He scares us all. Now you have live with your grandmother 

Neville: Yes but I dont want it to turn into her either.

Lupin: No it wont don't worry.What does your grandmother wear.

Neville: A green dress and a red handbag and a hat..

Lupin: Good, Now can you picture Professor Snape in your grandmothers clothing. Very nice now focus as soon as I let this boggart out shour riddikulus whilst thinking of this. Ready?

Neville nods as Professot Lupin opens the wardrobe and Professor Snape comes out

Neville: Ri ri ri riddikulus

The boggart stumbles backwards as Snape ususal black outfit transforms to a green dress a red handbag and a hat. The entire class roars with laughter.

Lupin: Yes very good next Seamus.

Seamus comes up to the boggart whilst everyone else forms a line. The boggart turns into a banshee as it screams everyone blocks their ears.

Seamus: riddikulus

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