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My name is Amelia and I am about to share a terrifying incident that happened to me few years ago which I can't forget. It all started when I was living in a small city with my parents. My father was a business man and a happy person but my mom belong from discipline family so she had her own rules and boundaries. I was 18 and was studying in the top listed school in the city were I lived. It was Monday the beginning day of the week. It was a quite busy day at school and the classes were full. After the class I met up with my friend Sara. We sat at the bench were it was located at the back of our school. How was your weekend? I asked. It was great and yours? Sara asked. Like as usual house work with mum and grocery what else I replayed. Ok but next week I am heading out with someone said Sara. Who? I urged. This guy I met at tinder she replayed. What I said. Sara took out her phone and she showed. This guy I met him at tinder he is awesome. I looked at her. What she said. Really? you just met him and he is just stranger and your going out with him seriously? I said. Come on Amelia he a nice man said Sara. I don't know about this I said. Its because you can't do these things that's why said Sara. Excuse me? I said. I am saying that you can't date because of your mum. You should try these things Its good your 18 Its legal for you to do that she said. I did not answer her. Well Its up to you but I must say you should try this you don't want to be mommies girl all the time said Sara. I was stabbed of her words like seriously I am like this. School was over and I was at home. I was lying on my bed thinking about my friends words that hit me. I am not a little girl anymore I am old enough to do anything. I am legal to do anything. I decided to download the Tinder App. It was night, I downloaded the tinder app. I opened It the features seems to be cool. It said that you have to swipe right to select your date. I do as the app said. I swipe right but It seems to be not working or I don't know how to use It. Then suddenly somebody just swipe right at me. It was a guy named David. I opened his profile and read about him. David Adam age 27. He had blonde hair and he was a guitar player. Weird but he was good looking though. He texted me 'Hi' I replayed him with 'HELLO' we started talking and he was flirting with me which was awkward for me because I never done this before. So we should meet up don't you think? asked David. Uh should we? I said. Yeah If your ok with It said David. Sure how about tomorrow after my school around 2 pm I said. Sure the cafe near your school said David. Alright I urged. I was so excited and scare to because I was going on my first date. The morning came and I was getting ready for school. Uh mom I would come home late today I said. Why she asked in a straight tone. Because I have French class I replayed. She turn around and stare at me and said you never took extra classes in your school and how come your taking it now she asked. I looked at her and said Mum Sara is taking It also and she had convince me to join her as well. Ok fine so when will you come home she asked? Around 3 I replayed. Alright she urged. I sat in my school bus and the bus left my home. Oh thank goodness she would have trapped me with her words I said to myself. I don't know why my mum is like this but this is to much. I spend my time In school as I was exited to meet David after school. My friend Sara was absent that If she would have come I would told her about this all as she keeps ditching me that I can't do anything. School was over and I walk to the road where the cafe was located I went inside and sat there as I look around no sign of David. I wait for awhile but still he had not arrived. It was 2:15 and David did not come I called him but his phone was switched off. It was going to be 3 soon and I have told mom that I would be at home by 3. Crab! David you are gonna pay for this I said to myself. I stud up in anger and went home. I was burning in anger how come this man did this to me. It was evening I texted David in anger like am I joke to you that I was waiting for you in cafe for like 1 and half our. He called me. Where the hell were you huh? I asked in anger. I was there said David. Where I did not see you there I said. No seriously I was there and I was waiting for you but you did not came said David. What are you talking about David I was there I replayed. Nope I did not see you there he replayed. I even called you from the cafe but your phone was switched off I said. I have a problem with my sim card that's why the call did not reach me he said. I was so angry he calm me down and said we will meet again in cafe. Like this is joke to him how will I excuse my mother that I have another French class to attend ridiculous. Next day, I was having breakfast with my family. So how was your French class asked mom. Uh It was good I replayed. Your taking French class said Dad. Yes I am I replayed. That's good said Dad. I also have the class today so I am gonna be late I said. Mom looked at me. Yeah It's fine said Dad. I was nervous as mum was staring at me with her fearless eyes. I left for school. I was in class hoping that I would not be catfish again by David. The school ended and I went straight to the cafe and sat down. I waited again for David. It happened again he did not come I call him and texted him but no answer and as usual his phone was switched off. I hade enough I went home. I was so angry did not had mood to talk to anyone I went to sleep for a while to calm my self. It was night I was doing my homework David texted me. I ignored him did not answer his text. He texted again and wrote " I know your mad at me I own you some answers" I ignored him again. He called me. I pick up and said What's your problem. Hey don't get mad just listen to me said David. What do you have to say now David there is nothing now that you can justify I said. I was there Amelia in the cafe but I did not see you there said David. Your lying I urged. Ughh no I am not I was there believe me he replayed. I was there too how come I can't see you I said. Maybe we keep missing each other said David. Just leave me alone I replayed. I put away my phone because I was angry. Next day, at school I was sitting at the bench of my school waiting for Sara. As behind the bush I saw a figure as It came a little closer I could not believe my eyes It was David. I stud up and try to go closer to It but Sara hold my hand. Hey! Where you going said Sara. I looked at her but when I look back at the bush I lost the sign of David. Are you ok? Amelia asked Sara. Yeah I am fine I replayed. this was weird what was David doing here. It was night and I was still thinking about David what the hell he was doing in my school. I called him but no answer I was starting to get goosebumps. I texted him that "what were you doing in my school" he did not replay. I was thinking to block him but I wanted to know what he was doing there. Suddenly I got a text from David. He replay "wanted to see you that's why I came" I called him but he did pick It up. I text him "How the hell you got In? and If you were dying to see me why did you not come to the cafe? Let's say destiny did not want us to meet he replayed. I was getting goosebumps. He send me a video It was loading. When I saw the video I could not believe my eyes. It was a news that a young man named David who was killed by a serial killer when he come home after meeting his tinder friend at the cafe. I was shaking in fear. I wrote to him "What kind of joke Is this" He replayed "It Is not a joke It's the truth thanks for liberating me :)" Then his phone went off. I was so In depress I could not believe this that the man whom I was talking to been dead for days and I was talking to a ghost. This incident hit me hard as I got sick after this. I deleted the tinder app. I was also not going to school because I kept having nightmares and I don't know why I could not escape David's presence. After few months we moved to another city but This Incident still haunts me.

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