Morning After ☺️

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Noel's POV

Ian Feel Like Going To School Today I Was Still In Shock && Sore From Last Night ! I Feel Bad Was Supposed To Wait For Marriage , God Please For Give Me I Have Sinned ! I Prayed As I Got In My Car . That Ashlyn Had Brought To Chyle's House ! So Iguess Me && Biffy Finna Shop Since I Leave In A Couple Days Ugh This Hurts Me I'm Leaving My BestFriend , Boyfriend && Baby Girl . In Atlanta This Stuff Ain't For Me .

(Skipping To Saturday Morn)

, I Woke Up && Looked In My Empty Room As Tears Fell From My Face Remembering The Goodbye Party My Babes Threw Me && Shed Some Tears ! They Came By && Said Goodbye && Stuff . The Hardest Goodbye Was To China I Raised That Girl && She Calls Me Mommy and Everything She Asked Me (FLASHBACK)
" Mommy Wea U Go'n An
Y U Cry'n . I Looked At My Babees && Said China Mommy Leaving && I Won't Be Back For A LONG LONG TIME ! China Started To Cry . I Lifted Her Chin && Wiped Her Tears && Said China Mariee Cooper ? Yes Mommy I Love You Baby Girl && I'll Be Back Before Yknow It && Watch Out For Daddy && Don't Let The Lil Girls Talk To Him
I Looked Up At Chyle Who Was Smiling Down At Us
Okay Mommy . I Promiz I Wuv You Mommy . I Love You To Baby

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