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An hour later, the echoing of laugher reeled the tent, shouts could be heard, the boisterous laugher of the nobles were loud in merry of wine and splendor.

Outside the tent, the royal cooks, prepared the harts for a grand feast. The Strong brothers were outside in their canopy chatting and talking as a Lannister comes to boast in ignorance.

"Larys Strong, what did you hunt, cripple, other than two working legs." Bret Lannister mocked.

The insult rolled off Larys who is accustomed to such talks, but his brother does not take it lying done. He grabs Bret Lannister by the doublet and nearly pulls him to the bonfire.

"Mock my brother again Lannister, and I'll tear out your tongue and lick my balls with it." Harwin threatened the lion pulp, pushing him away.

Larys shifted angrily were he seats, not so much at the insult, but at his brother need to defend him with threats. The whole exchange made him quietly furious, yet he held his tongue in silence.

Inside the pavillon tent, Queen Alicent, now seated with her husband, couldn't feel less but ignored as Maegor sat quietly, drinking his strong wine.

Clanking of cups, endless food and chatter. King Maegor was enthroned, drinking to stupor as the Master of Laws approached him, Alicent shook her head and sighs, watching Ariel play with Aegon and Brandon, the gesture melted her heart.

"We've sent out riders to find Rhaenyra Your Grace." He informed. "Ser Criston went after her, so the hope is that they are together, that we assume." Lyonel Strong informs the King.

Sighing, Maegor slumped back in his chair.
"It's a shame that she can be rather rebellious, just to spite her uncle. She needs to learn it's disrespectful, sharking her duties like spoilt child." Queen Alicent rants bitterly.

"With all due respect Your Grace. Wouldn't it be also disrespectful to press on a matter regarding the princess?" Lord Lyonel sets the Hightower straight.

Brown orbs gleamed with vile. "How dare you address me in that manner."

"Calm down Alicent" Maegor intervene. "It's alright." He dismissed. "Rheanyra is a heedless contrarian. If I instead forbade her to wed a Lannister, she would've run off with Lord Jason out of spite. A truly great Targaryen King I am. Powerless over mine own niece of twenty and one."

Queen Alicent's face scrunched. "We've made every accomodations possible, my love, but It will never be enough to satisfy Rheanyra, no matter the efforts we make."

"What then, do you suggest?" Maegor inclined.

Alicent sighs. "If Rheanyra is unable to find a suitable match or continuously ignores proposals, we cannot use direct force, I suggest you deem her worthy, be appropriate that the crown chooses one for her as befitting a young woman her status."

Maegor sighs. "Rheanyra can be cross."

Lord Lyonel cleared his throat. "King Jaehaerys ruled over half a century of peace while his children drove him to the edge of madness... his daughters, in particular. It is tradition, Your Grace."

Maegor chuckles. "Rheanyra is.... uninhabitable."

"Do you wish to hear my opinion on the matter?" Lord Lyonel asked.

Queen Alicent narrowed her gaze at the Master of Laws.

Maegor sighs in his drunken state. "Should I guess? You believe that your son, Ser Harwin 'BreakBones,' the strongest knight in the Seven Kingdoms, is the best match for Rhaenyra." He mused.

Lord Lyonel smirks. "You flatter me, Your Grace, but no. It would seem to me the best match for Rhaenyra is the son of The Sea Snake, Ser Laenor." He declares.

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