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I logged onto Minecraft, and clicked the cube server. I was so nervous, I hope I wasn't pranked. I spawned in and started running.

"Wait," Brayden said pulling my hands away from the keyboard,
"Record it," he said winking and turning back to his stream
"Ugh okay," I said setting up my camera to record my reaction
"Hey guys it's Kaylee, and I'm at The Camping Rushers house, he is currently live streaming and he told me to go look at my cube house, I have no idea what's there so wish me luck," I said as Brayden laughed
"Here goes nothing," I said getting to the end of my nether tunnel and going through my portal
"Look down," Brayden said smiling cheekily
"Okay, I'm looking down, 3, 2, 1," I moved my characters head up and a big structure was built behind my house, it was flat and white, and it had letters on it that spelt 'MC'
"MC, like minecraft?" I questioned Brayden
"Go read the signs," he laughed, I sprinted towards the big thing and read the signs underneath it
"MC, it stands for Minecon," my face dropped, I wasn't able to afford a ticket to Minecon this year
"Brayden that's not funny," I said with a pouty face
"Keep reading," he smiled
"Everyone was asking if you were going to Minecon in our comment sections, when we told them you couldn't come they were bummed out, we continued to scroll through our comments and a few of them had great ideas, do a stream to raise money for you to go to Minecon!," I gasped before reading the rest,
"you didn't," I whispered
"Continue reading and find out if we did," he smirked
"Soooo, we did, but we kept it a secret, so now, Brayden please hand miss Kaylee her ticket, signed '-the cube members'."I smiled so brightly I was so happy
"Here ya go," Brayden said handing me an envelop, I opened it up and pulled my ticket out
"Oh my god, thank you guys so much, thank you to my fans to for raising money for me to go, I love you all so much," I said towards the camera
"Sorry this was a short video, but at least it's something, I love you all so much, never forget that, IM GOING TO MINECON BIZNATCHES," I screamed into the camera before ending the video
"Thank you so much," I said hugging Brayden who was still recording his stream
"No problem, now go away I'm streaming," he laughed playfully pushing me away, I acted offended and I sat on the bed pouting
"He doesn't love me guys," I yelled across the room to the camera,
"he's a meanie," I said in a child's voice, but I couldn't help it, I burst out laughing.


One more day until we pick up Riley. I was so excited to see him, he was basically the only family I had left, I have no idea what I would do without him.

Brayden had finished recording and he was downstairs, I was just laying on his bed refusing to go into my house.

I didn't want anything to do with it until I moved out. Brayden got me to go inside once to get clothes, and my recording stuff, including my laptop, but it was painful.

Memories flooding into my head, my dad screaming and yelling at me.

I was quickly snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Brayden yell. I got up and ran downstairs.

He was on the phone, he looked worried, and mad at the same time.

"What's the matter?" I asked, he looked at me sympathetically.


What do you think he's going to say?

Do you ship #Braylee

What do you thinks gonna happen at Minecon?

Don't forget to comment and vote! :)

I love you all so much! Have a super day!

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