Savior Poofless

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Preston's POV

I walked to class my head down trying to avoid eye contact with everyone. I held my books more tightly in my hand when I was stopped by a larger boy standing in front of me.

I took a deep breath as he dragged me to the bathroom and pushed me against the wall.
"Did you think you could avoid me today Preston!" he screamed at me. I didn't answer just stared blankly frightened at what he might do.
He punched me hard in the jaw and yelled, "Answer me."
"N-no." I managed to studder out.

I saw his friends also enter the bathroom laughing at me helplessly pushed against the wall.
"You finally found that faggot." someone muttered.

He looked at sternly and yelled pay up. I gave him the money I had with me, 20 bucks and a few quarters. "You think I would let a fag like you get off only paying a 20?!?!"
"I-It's all I have." I began to studder out.

He then hit me hard in the stomach causing me to see only black for a moment, he continued beating me telling me that I better bring more money tomorrow than I did today.

Finally after what seemed like hours a boy walks into the bathroom. I was sure I'd seen him around before in fact I talked a little bit with him the other day his name was Robert but he told me to call him Rob.

Although he was younger than the boys beating me up he must have been tougher because he went crazy on then beating them up until they all left the bathroom. "You ok Preston," he said to me empathy in his voice. I just stared at him he was so handsom

I couldn't move my gaze off his face with the exception of looking to see if you could see a buldge in his pants. He obviously got the point I liked him by the way I was staring at him and he kissed me.

What surprised me the most was that my lips had blood on them and he didn't care. I kissed back of course but it ended rather quickly. "You want to come to my house to get you cleaned up," he asked. I just nodded my head.

~Time Skip~

We sat on his bed talking for hours about this and that never mentioning the kiss he had given me in the bathroom. Finally we ended up looking at eachother without words he leaned closer to me and I leaned into him and we kissed, more passionately this time and it lasted longer, maybe because I wasn't covered in blood, I sliped my tounge into his mouth and he softly sucked on my tounge. I then saw him start to pull at the hem of my shirt and I knew what was going to happen.

And so do you but this is not smut I have an other story for that anyways

This was my first one shot hopefully you liked it I know it wasn't perfect and kinda short but it was ok I guess, tell me what you thought I would appreciate it!

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