A letter to Yokomizo

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Yokomizo, my best friend, what would you think if you saw me now? Living with a writer and his Raccoon, making friends with detectives, hiding from the law. So much has happened these past months. So much that you hav en't been here for. But let's talk about you, your ultimate mystery is doing great. So many people are trying to figure it out. It really has stumped the public. I don’t even think anyone is close to solving it. It’s truly amazing how talented you are in writing mysteries. Even if I was never a fan, you always put your mysteries first, even in death.

Poe writes mysteries too you know. The writer I talked about, he writes them for the detective. I have no idea why but he's always so excited to show Ranpo his mysteries, even if he always solves them in minutes. They remind me of you sometimes, Poe staying in his room writing all day, Ranpo's childish attitude. They really are a great duo. Poe says they're rivals, but, I'm not sure a rival is supposed to spend 5 years of their life writing a mystery for someone they've only met once.

I've met other detectives as well. A boy who can, supposedly, turn into a tiger, and a little girl who seems very fond of pressure points. They don't seem so bad too be honest. They helped me escape the bank. I remember seeing you in the vault. I promise I'm not having more fun without you. This life isn't any better than the one I had before. If anything, its just much more stressful. I say I don't think of you often but I write you these letters hoping that they'll give me some closure. I don't doubt you're able to read them, No one truly knows how the after life works.

But I know what you're thinking. The truth is I think about you everyday Yokomizo. No matter how hard I try not to care I just can't. I hope you're happy in the afterlife, I hope you can see all the people you've affected with this mystery, I hope you know your death wasn't in vain, I hope you know I miss you so much. So much that sometimes I even think about joining you. But I know that's not what you would want, so I'll keep living, I'll keep living until the whole world knows about your mystery, until I've lived a life you can be proud of. I'll never stop mourning you, but I'll try and be happy for you. And when my time is up, I'll come and join you, and well stay together for an eternity. No force will be able to tear us apart. So, Until we can be together again, My dear Yokomizo.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17 ⏰

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