Ask me a letter and I'll give you an answer!
If I put N/A next to it it means not answering <3
A - Are you ___?
B - Birthday?
C - Crush?
D - Did you get a first kiss yet?
E - Easiest person to talk to?
F - favorite ___? ( put a word in the blank)
G - good at?
H - Hair color?
I - In love?
J - jealous of?
K - Known as?
L - longest relationship (N/A bc i've never dated)
M - Middle name? (N/A)
N -Number? (N/A)
O - One wish?
P - Person you last texted?
Q - Question you always get asked?
R - Reason to smile?
S - Song you last listened to?
T -Time you woke up?
U - 3 biggest wishes?
V - Violent moment?
W -Worst fear?
X - Extra questions ( ask any questions not listed)
Y - Your last hug?
Z - Zodiac sign?