I turned around slowly to see a middle aged man, short but stocky, he was trained I knew it but as what a solider, as polices or as a guard oh I see he was a soldier yes defiantly it was his stance! You know the straight backed legs shoulder widths apart yep that annoying one!!! He was leaning more on his right leg more than his left leg did that mean he was injured? No he would have had crutches wouldn’t he? Yes it had to be a psychological trauma in his right leg! He was left handed as his watch was proudly standing there! But he didn’t shoot with that hand oh no he was holding the gun in his right hand dangling at his side the thing is he didn’t look like me at all! He had blond hair and blue eyes not like my brownish blonde hair and brown eyes! Plus his style! Not me at all I’m more of the duffle coat style!
Anyway Anna was making her way towards me examining the mess SHE made!!!! I watched her come closer and mouthed “out the door!” now a normal person would nod or just say pardon if they hadn’t heard not Anna though she decide she would say it aloud!! What an utter idiot! So now my great plan of avoiding the man that’s not my father was out the window he spoke up! “Now I know I don’t look like him and I know it’s strange just hear me out!” he said while I shot daggers at Anna but hey she didn’t get the message the one that read “if you utter EVEN ONE SYLLABLE I WILL MURDER YOU!!!!!” so she answered a simple but most annoying answer “ok,” that isn’t even a real word it’s an abbreviation of okay ok I’ll come out of my huff just for now though but she’s not getting all her chocolate now!
“I’m a friend of Sherlock your dad!” he clarified IS HE CALLING ME DUMB?????? I know that hat a total TWAT!!!! “ well I know you know that I just had to say, j-j-just so I don’t sound l-l-l-ike a pedo latter on!” he stuttered through this and I don’t know about Anna but I was trying not to crack out laughing. She did smile at the word pedo but this was strange! This is the most sensible I had seen Anna what was happening today???? Any way he continued “I’m here to retrieve you! You can either come with me now in the car or find your own way to the address I will give you! Try to think for a minute! “ before I could even think about it Anna decided it was the right time to decide for me! Wrong thing to do! That’s it I thought and without me even thinking my hand swung up and hit Anna full fisted on the side of her head another one followed till she swayed lightly I was yelling at her continuously all sorts of crap but she knew this is what happens when I normally have a breakdown she swayed one more time and uttered a sentences that was so quite I could barely hear it “I feel sleepy now” and with that she collapsed. Silence filled the room
“Car ride please” I uttered condemning myself to a instant death when Anna woke up!