the emo and his dumb love interest

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kind of Kokushibos pov?? still in 3rd person

Today's shift was something.. it was boring, very boring but atleast Kokushibo got to see those 3 stupid little kids again. God those kids could be idiotic but they meant no harm and they weren't In the way of Kibustuji so. right anyways Kokushibo had just gotten off of work and decided to go look around at the shops and cafes at this little downtown area near the building where he worked

After buying a few useless trinkets and grabbing a coffee from this cute little coffee shop a fortune telling 'tent' of sorts well.. It's more of a small little building anyways- it caught his eye, since he had nothing better to do he decided to check it out, even though he knew everything the person would say was going to be just plain bull shit. Walking in the uhm.. Whatever. When he was walking in instead of seeing a woman like he expected, it was some albino twink with glasses who was kinda cute ngl.. Ahem "ah. Welcome!" the twink says looking up from his flip phone waving while putting it away "yeah." Kokushibo said as he walked towards the twink and sat down across from him "what type of payment do you accept?"

"I would normally say cash buuuuttttt a hottie like you can have this for free in exchange for your number~" the twink said in a very flirtatious tone "are you... flirting with me.?" Kokushibo said raising a brow at the twink "hmmm maybe.... But anywhoo you gonna ask for my fortune telling orr" oh right that's why he came here in the first place "ah- yes uhm.. could you tell me something that would happen in the future in general?" "Hmmmm lets see in the future....... you'll end up in my bed~" the twink winks at Kokushibo "... are you just going to- ""yes." "..." "Can I atleast get your name?" "Oh it's Doma!" "huh.. Doma the twink..""huh?"

they both just stare at each other in silence until doma decides to break it. "ahm.. well. your number?" "Oh yeah, do you have some paper and a pen or something" "here. just put it in on my phone" Doma passes Kokushibo his phone and Kokushibo puts his number in "here" Kokushibo passes his flip phone back to him "I should be leaving now." and with that Kokushibo gets up and leaves Doma fortune telling shop thingy while Doma has a sly smile of his face

later that night


Doma: heyyyyyy ;3

Kokushibo: oh you actually were serious about wanting my number?

Doma: duhhh why else would I ask for it >:p

Doma: btw! you wanna come over rn ;D

Kokushibo: I don't know where you live though?

Doma: ez I can just give u my address

Kokushibo: I guess that's true.. okay.

Doma: yaaayyyy! X3 can't wait to see you mr. uhhm

Kokushibo: Kokushibo.



'So this is his apartment..?' Kokushibo thinks while he stares at the door to Doma apartment that's on the 7th floor at the end of the hallway Kokushibo looks out of the window to his side sighing before looking back at Doma's door and knocked ... two seconds later Doma finally opened the door "ya? Oh Koku you're here!" "koku? Been a while since I've been called that." Kokushibo says as Doma lets him in "c'mon let's go to my room!" Doma took Kokushibo's hand and walked to his room while they were walking he saw his living room in the apartment and it was quite decorated and looked comfortable once they reached Doma's door and he opened it Kokushibo was immediately hit with the smell of vanilla and almond "that is quite the strong smell do you like vanilla?" Kokushibo said as Doma guided them to his bed that had way too many plushies to count. "It's one of my favorite scents, yeah.... wanna get high?" "uhm no thank you i'll stick to my own cigarettes, you can though i don't mind." "Okay be right back!" as Doma left Kokushibo decided to look around Doma's room. I was actually quite spacious and well decorated

(it kinda looks like this:

"I'm back~" Doma came walking in with a bong in his hand and sat next to Kokushibo again, and took a lighter out of his sock and started lighting his bong as Kokushibo commented "you know

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"I'm back~" Doma came walking in with a bong in his hand and sat next to Kokushibo again, and took a lighter out of his sock and started lighting his bong as Kokushibo commented "you know... you smoking weed actually makes sense. Which is crazy because we've only known each other for like.. What a couple hours?" "Guess I just give off those vibes." the blond responded shrugging while taking a huff of the bong in his hands. "You sure you don't want some?" the blond gestured to the ravenette to take the bong, "well if you keep insisting might as well.." the ravenette took the bong and huffed as the blond lit it for him.

"Y'know... i really like you Kokushibo." the blond spoke which surprised the ravenette "i don't even know why i do. Like you've said we've only known each other for a couple hours but for some reason i... I feel like we are meant to be.. Is that crazy? Am i crazy.?" The ravenette was genuinely too stunned to speak. He thought all of Doma's flirting was a joke but he actually liked him? "Can i... can I kiss you?" That quickly pulled the raven out of his trance "can you.. What??" "OH MY GOD I'M SO SORRY WAS THAT TO FAR OF A QUESTION GOD IM SO STUPID I'M SO SORRY I SHOULD REALLY THINK BEFORE I SPEAK AAUUGGHHHH I'M SO SO-"

Doma was quickly interrupted by hands cupping his face, as Kokushibo softly kisses him before pulling back slowly "there now you got what you ask and now you're quiet" the raven had a small smile on his face before he was pushed down onto the blonds bed as the blond kisses him again making an attempt for them to start making out, to which the ravenette complies gliding their lips together, an literal hour passes with them taking small breaths of air until the ravens phone rings, Kokushibo picks up his phone to see that his brothers calling. He answers it while Doma lays on his chest "hello?? ... oh no sorry I'm most likely going to stay the night at a 'friend's' house.. Sorry .... Okay, bye" ... "we should sleep." suggested the blond as they laid there "alright goodnight doma." "night.."



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this is so bad (_ _|||)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17 ⏰

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