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The next week for James went excruciatingly slow as he stared at his bedroom wall for hour upon hour each day. His almost rebellious act the other day had set his mother off even worse than normal. Maybe he should have just spoke, he's already living like this, what could be worse?

Each day a haze in his mind as the endless time blurred into one inconceivable chunk and the only way he could be sure life was moving on was the way the tree outside his window waved in the wind. Its branches swaying gently in the breeze reminded him this was real. This life was real. But its also taunted him. It waved from outside.

'Ha. Ha', it said. 'I'm free. And you never will be'.

a firm knock bounced off the door and he jumped onto his feet. No one bothered him in his own space.

"Your Majesty, you are being summoned to the main room. You have a visitor".

No one ever visited James unannounced. His mother always made sure he had his appointments and then most of the time she went in his place instead. The countless times she had told him of his meetings after they had taken place.

'But don't worry darling, i made sure to be clear about what you wanted'. She could hear him say.

But how could she know what he wanted if he didn't? Could she read some deep dark crevice of his brain that even he wasn't privileged enough to enter?

But the idea of a guest intrigued him so he took a deep breath and swiped the creases from his ridiculous robe and opened the door to follow the helper downstairs.

"Ah, James", his mother smiled and walked over to place her arm around his and slowly led them over to two empty armchairs. The fabric, with gems encrusted into patterns scratched against his legs.

She sat on the one a mere few steps away as the third was occupied by a tall, blonde man. His round glasses didn't quite fit his face but balanced perfectly on his nose. His back sat straight and his hands were visible on his lap, gently placed over each thigh.

"James, this is Doctor Rogers", his mother said, "He's going to fix you".

Before James could react the doctor turned to face her, finally breaking his almost robotic look.

"Actually, i prefer to use the word 'help'. I do not believe the king is broken and therefore does not need to be fixed".

"Of course the king is not broken", she snapped back.

James wanted to melt into the cushions.

The room became silent once more as James looked up to see what was going on. But his mother was looking at him and the doctor was looking at her. Did they ask him a question, did he miss it?

He stared back at her before she started to speak again.

"Well, go on. Show the doctor what the problem is".

He stared back at her, occasionally glancing to the man sat opposite. Was he meant to talk? He couldn't tell if she really wanted him to or not, and the man wasn't even looking at him. So he remained quiet.

She sighed before finally turning back to the doctor and explaining.

"He has never been able to talk, he was meant to grow out of it but with his father now gone he has no good father figures and i fear it will only get worse. The people want to hear their king speak. So... when can i schedule a village meeting for it?

The idea made James's stomach churn. He couldn't go up and speak to a whole village . They would laugh at him, belittle his speech until he could not go on anymore. He was meant to be a strong man, a strong king. Thats what she always said.

"Actually, ma'am. But i work in a specific environment. It must be just I and the King in the room during these sessions".

James looked up at her, no way would she let herself be excused during such an important thing. She gave him no privacy around others, to make sure he didn't say a word.

"You understand, i cannot leave the kings side. I—"

"Then I'm afraid theres nothing i can do", he stated gently.

She paused and stared at him. And now james was too. Staring straight at the man for the first time as he held the woman's gaze and didnt back down.

"You asked me to come here as i am the best at what i do, yes?" He asked. "And my methods need to be followed or i cannot complete what i have come here to do. Of course, you could just find someone else to assist the King. But you will not find anyone such as I".

He began to stand but she jumped up.

"No, no", she chuckled awkwardly. "I suppose if this will fix the King then it will be allowed".

And to James's astonishment she slowly left the room, looking back multiple times but the door finally shut and it was just James and the Doctor.

"Ugh", the blonde man sighed and sagged into the chair. His back no longer straight and his hand falling from his thighs. "It takes a lot of work to sit like that. I don't know how you do it".

The man chuckles and wriggles around a bit more, further into the cushions to get more comfortable.

"I don't know how you sit on these chairs, I'm worried the gems will rip a hole right on by buttocks".

James gawped. No one had ever spoken like this in his presence and he didn't quite know what to think of it. As usual he stayed silent and the doctor finally looked up and him and quietened down about the crappy chairs.

"So, what would you like help with, James? Can i call you James?"

The boy just nodded slowly, still in a trance as he processes the man sat in front of him.

The silence grew and he realises he was asked a question. Clearing his throat he took a breath and tapped a hand against his knee. What should he do now? The quiet started to grow awkward and his throat closed up further. Was he actually meant to speak? Well he certainly can't now. Theres too much pressure and he doesn't want to embarrass himself.

Just when he thought it had started to get unbearable the man filled the space.

"Thats alright! We'll get there. I heard about the incident at the village last week".

At that James bowed his head in shame and looked to the floor.

"I didnt think it was bad", the man added as james looked up with a questioning glance. "I think anyone would have done the same thing. The crowd wanted to hear from you, and i know you want to speak to them. You just couldn't. But if we work together i think we can get you to a point confident enough to make these speeches for yourself".

James noticed he didnt say anything about fixing the way he talks, but it sounded good regardless. He still didnt say anything but it didnt feel as tense as before.

But whats up with this painting", Doctor Rogers said and glanced up at the fireplace behind James's chair. It depicted a woman holding a lamb in the middle of a field. Except the field was tinged with blue as the sky merged into the grass creating one dull background.
"It looks like the lamb has gone through the grinder and was hastily put back together".

James let out a snort as a laugh burst through his lips so ferociously he didnt have time to open them.

"This isnt yours then", the man asked.

He did nothing but nod his head towards the door his mother had left from.

"Figures", the older man laughed. "Now about these chairs..."

James felt, for the first time in as long as he could remember, his chest becoming lighter as he listened to the man in front of him talk. They seemed to converse and yet he didnt have to say a thing. This (almost) normal human interaction was something he had severely lacked. Maybe the doctor was right, maybe something could be done.

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