chapter 15

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That's all the two victims of this crime have to say, it seems... What does everybody think? asked Rean. Hmm... I can't be sure, but... I really don't think either of them is responsible said Elliot.

Both merchants certainly have adequate motive to damage the other's stall...but the chance of both committing the same crime on the same night, without crossing paths, is virtually nil said Laura.

It's not impossible that they were just out to steal each other's merchandise...but i don't believe that's what happened. Both of them have alibis confirming that they were somewhere else when the crime took place said Alisa.

Maybe you about that right and what going on? i asked, I'm inclined to agree...I just can't see either of these merchants being responsible for what happened, so we're going to have to look elsewhere to find viable suspects said Rean.

Where, though? I mean, who could it possibly have been? asked Elliot, it's impossible to say right now. We don't have any solid leads, we know who the curlprit wasn't, but how are we supposed to start narrowing down who it was? asked Alisa.

The market itself seems unlikely to produce any further clues, so we should focus our attention elsewhere said Laura. ...Actually, there is one thing that's been bugging me said Rean, say what now?i asked.

There's one group of people involved in this whole situation whose actions don't seem to make any sense. Maybe, if we can work out the reasoning behind their strange behavior...we can come one step closer to finding our curlprit said Rean.

Wh-Whom do you mean? asked Elliot, I'm talking about...the provincial army. They haven't done a thing to try and solve this crime, despite it happening right under their noses said Rean. Rean your right about that i said.

And that begs the question...why not? asked Rean, hmm... The market manager said they're refusing to fulfill their role due to the tax issue. Which means the provincial army should refuse to intervene in quarrels within the market as well said Laura.

...If that's the case, then why did they come and intervene this morning? asked Rean. Now that you mention it, that really doesn't make any sense. Their methods were atrocious, but the fact is, they brought that dispute to an end almost instantly. They did get involved said Alisa.

Yeah. One minute they're refusing to do anything, then the next they're taking a stand, it's definitely suspicious! said Elliot. My point exactly, there's definitely something unnatural about the way they're conducting themselves said Rean.

And since we have no other leads, what do you say we go to the army's guardhouse and take a look around? We might be able to learn something from them that could aid us in our investigation said Rean.

Hmm... That may be worth an attempt said Laura, the guardhouse isn't too far from here, either. Let's head on over and see what we can find out! said Alisa as we head fot the guardhouse.


As we got to the guardhouse and we talk to the provincial army soldier, Hmm? Aren't you those students from from that... Military academy, was it? What are you doing here? asked provincial army soldier.

We're terribly sorry to trouble you, but we were hoping you might be able to help us with something. Could we ask you a few questions about the incident that occurred at the Grand Market this morning? i asked.

 ...What? What does that have to do with you? asked provincial army soldier, u-umm... said Elliot. We're visiting this town on a field study as students of Thors Military Academy. And we would very much appreciate the chance to see how experienced soldiers such as yourselves handle difficult everday situations said Laura.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13 ⏰

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