Chapter 2: His Perspective

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August had always been a boy with a clear vision for his future. While many of his peers were content to drift through their teenage years without much direction, August knew exactly what he wanted: to become a military officer. His determination was evident in everything he did, from his rigorous workout routines to his disciplined approach to studies. Initially, August had hoped to attend college in a different city, a place where he could start fresh, free from the familiar faces and routines of his hometown. The prospect of independence and new experiences excited him, and he saw it as a stepping stone toward his ultimate goal.However, life had other plans. Despite his hopes, August ended up securing a spot at a college in his native town. At first, he was disappointed, feeling as though he was stuck in the same place, unable to escape the confines of his past. But August was not one to dwell on setbacks for long. He resolved to make the best of the situation, focusing on his studies and physical training with renewed vigor.It was during this time that he met her. She was older than him by a few years, mature and confident in a way that captivated August from the moment he saw her. Unlike the girls his age, she had a sense of self-assurance that drew him in, and before he knew it, August found himself nursing a deep crush on her. This crush was different from the fleeting infatuations of his past. It was more intense, more consuming, and it made him feel things he had never felt before.August’s admiration for her became the focal point of his life. His crush on her was so overwhelming that it affected how he interacted with other girls. He barely noticed them, his thoughts always returning to her. He would catch glimpses of her around campus, and each time, his heart would race. She became a source of inspiration for him, driving him to work even harder on his physical and academic goals, as if by achieving them, he might somehow win her affection.But August was not a boy prone to expressing his emotions openly. He kept his feelings for her to himself, never daring to approach her or confess his crush. In his mind, she was untouchable, someone far beyond his reach. So, he channeled his emotions into his workouts, his studies, and his dream of joining the military. He believed that by focusing on his future, he could keep his feelings for her in check.As time passed, August continued to silently admire her from afar. But then, one day, he heard the news: she was getting married. The revelation hit him like a punch to the gut. All the hopes and dreams he had secretly harbored about her, however unrealistic, came crashing down. She was no longer just out of reach—she was gone entirely, moving on with her life while August remained stuck in his.The news of her marriage left August feeling lost. His dreams of becoming a military officer were still there, but they felt hollow now, as if something vital had been taken away from him. For the first time in his life, August felt truly stuck, unsure of how to move forward. The girl who had unknowingly inspired him to push himself further was gone, and August was left to figure out how to pick up the pieces and continue on his path alone.

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