Your Into my Friends now?-Chapter 9

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Layla Ellis's Pov:

6:00AM (4 days after THE Jake problem

I was sitting in my room with Eli. Who was more relaxed and understanding of what happened, I called Jake and he explain what happened. Isaac on the other hand. God he just didn't get it "you did" this and "you did" that, He didnt want to listen. He hated me. But I didn't want that he's my big brother!


Isaac Ellis's Pov:

I was sitting in my room with Ari (our little brother). Who was playing a game with me, He was bored and had nothing to do. Layla on the other hand. God she just didn't get it "no I wouldn't" this and "ONE PERSON" that, she didn't want to listen. She hated me. But I didn't want that she's my little sister!


Eli Ellis's Pov:

I was sitting in Layla's room. Who I was tryimg to convince to be friends with a certain someone. But Isaac an Layla on the other hand. God they just didnt get it "She's into Jake" this and "Ew tf" that, they didn't want to listen. They hated eachother. But I didn't want that there my siblings!





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tagged, @MarlyluvsE, @Kc_ate.

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