Chapter 1

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Jay and Jake Lyon were eighteen and sixteen year old secret agents who lived in a small town called Puwafurl in the country of Wonderworld who stuck together no matter what the stakes were! Jay was the younger brother who had short orange hair and piercing blue eyes and he was a shadow master who had lightning as his back-up element. Jake was the older one with brown spiky hair and friendly brown eyes and he was a water master who had life as his back-up element. Jay and Jake worked for the D.A.L (Dragon Agent League) run by the legen- wait for it... dary! Arlow Barlow. Arlow Barlow was bald but had a little bit of grey hair and brown eyes. Arlow Barlow was a pure water master who had no back-up element and he was the greatest secret agent ever! And now he was the head of the D.A.L coaching other secret agents from all over Wonderworld. But Arlow had a twin, an evil twin! His name was Warlow Barlow and he was a pure shadow master who also had no back-up element. Warlow had grey spiky hair and brown eyes. When Arlow was an agent Warlow was an agent too. Arlow got all the glory but Warlow got none. Warlow sought for revenge all his life to kill his twin but he just couldn't do it. So he read an old story one day about some special gems.Warlow knew this story was true because his dad had gone to space to find the gems and saw one and brought it back to his family. There were eight special gems, each gem had an element and the elements were: water, fire, earth, air, life, shadow, ice and lightning. If you had all of the gems touching each other at once it would create the Ultimate Weapon.The Ultimate Weapon is legend from an old story that once Zeus had an amazing staff that he had with him since birth that could create anything and make anything go extinct. Zeus's brother Hades envied this weapon so much that he tried to kill Zeus to get the weapon however though it was a long battle Zeus prevailed but his staff was split into eight parts and Hades was banished to the Underworld. These eight parts turned into gems and were lost in space for millions of years. Some of these gems were found but three are still lost in space. Jay and Jake owned three of the eight gems: the Earth Gem, the Life Gem and the Ice Gem. Unfortunately Warlow owned two of the gems: the Air Gem and the Lightning Gem. The Water Gem, the Fire Gem and the Shadow Gem are all still lost in space. You're probably wondering how Jay and Jake had those gems well let me tell you, Jay and Jake Lyon weren't just any secret agents. They were the Arlow Barlows of their time. They had been on hundreds of thrilling and amazing adventures but no adventure was as amazing and thrilling as the one you're about to read about...

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