Meeting day.

14 3 1

Place -me at home texting my friends.

I guess if I'm gonna tell you the story of how I met my angel ,I'm gonna have to tell you about me too . I'm not your regular normal teen . In your out cast of you will ,wallflower ,lower, the quiet guy I guess . I love to be alone and by myself but that kinda changed when I met my angel . My name is mookie ,mook for short . I'm sixteen and I live in Memphis my angel her name is candis ,but I cal her candi

On this day this is the day I met my angel . I was at home texting my friends . "Guys let's join a group chat on Kik" I texted them . "Sure what chat "?they asked. Hm "I'm not sure lets just go look through them why don't we ?" I replied . After serving and going through various chats I thought of a chat . A "g.s.a chat" gay straight alliance . I'm gay btw and my two best friends were straight but they supported me . So yea why not a g.s.a? I told them .and they said "okay cool sure lets join" we joined the chat to be welcome by many people But. there was one person in particular ,that's stood out to me . The first person I met in the chat his name was Alan he was such a sweet heart ,super nice and everything .theres nothing wrong with meeting friends online really there Isn't. Alan was a kid who had got hurt mentally ,physically ,and emotionally . He was cute ,kinda shy , a little bit on the nerdy looking side but he was an amazing person and he became a close very close friend . After a week or so of being in the chat my friends and I came to know a lot of people . One of those people being my angel candi ,but when I met her I didn't know she was my angel not yet anyway. Instantly me and candu clicked we both loved the same things like one direction ,we really loves one direction haha. But we hAd other things in common being ,TV shows ,foods , interest in life . We were there for each other we would always text through out the day from the crack of dawn til midnight and never run out of things to talk about . We were kinda inseparable every time someone would ask what I was doing id be texting Candi but that wasn't a bad thing . We had each other's back if she needed me I was there for her and vice versa . She had a girlfriend her name was Carrie and I liked Carrie just as much as I liked candi . They were both like sisters even tho me and Carrie never really talked as much as me and candi did . But one day ,me and candu got into a some what small argue many because we did agreed on something . What if was was life was taking its toll on her and she was ready to end it all . I couldn't and wouldn't let her do it . We had this conversation many many times and it would always end up in both of us crying . I hated the fact that she wanted to go not because she wanted to end her life but because she would be leaving me I loved her like she was my sister . No she was my sister and I couldn't bear the fact of losing her I did everything I could and said everything I could I meant every word of it too .from the "I love you's and don't go please or I'll miss you and I wouldn't be or thugs wouldn't be the same without you " and some reason it always seemed to work even tho sometimes it ended in U.S. Not speaking for a day or so. But one night , one very scary and emotional night candi had just had enough and was ready to end it all . I tried everything to talk her out of it but it wasn't working . I couldn't I felt like I was failing her as her friend ,her best friend , her brother . I was scared we were texting I was trying to stop her and she was trying to end it she was replying for a while and then suddenly she stopped replying . The tears started to fall from my eyes as I thought that she had ended it all I must have texted her over a million times to see if she would reply but I got nothing . The tears were falling even harder and the more worried I got I texted everyone who knew Candi to try and help me get her attention or something . But nothing was working the next day it tried again nothing still I started assuming the worse time and time went by I would always periodically text her phone to se if she'd reply but nothing . And one day out of the clear blue I got a text from someone I had never met before or at least I thought I didn't I just didn't remember the person .cone to find out it was candi texting me off someone else's phone when I found it it was her I started crying all over again but tears of joy . I had never been so happy to be honest it was one of the best days of my life to know that she was okay and well . I had missed her so much and so glad that she was back . I asked were had you been ? What happened to you? She was away for a while at a place where she couldn't have a phone and she couldn't really have or talk to anyone . Outside of the place she was in , I didn't care I had my angel back and I was happy to have her . But as time passed Candi and I ,we didn't grow distant but she had stopped using Kik and she gave me something to keep in contact but I would always forget or log out of kik(if you don't know about Kik it deletes conversations when you log out ) I miss her so much I really wanna talk to her but I can't she doesn't use Kik and I wanted to make this book for her to let her know how much I actually care about her . I love you Candi miss you sis. This is our story it might not be our full story but we know that and that's how it should stay .


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2015 ⏰

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