I ✧*̥˚ 𝕹𝖔𝖜𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊 𝖙𝖔 𝖗𝖚𝖓*̥˚✧

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Alexis suspected that her collaboration with Sylus would not go unnoticed. Otherwise, she wouldn't be running now with a sleeping Butterfly in her arms to the car she'd put her in, making sure she was actually asleep, and then turning toward the house one last time. Following that, she got into her car herself, and although she had just returned from Sylus a moment ago and it was nearing two in the morning, she drove off towards his villa.

By the time she returned from him after midnight, she had already noticed someone watching her from a distance. After all, she used to be a hunter and it didn't take her long to figure out that something was wrong in her apartment. She still had the wound on her face from the knife that had been used on her by the man who had worked indirectly alongside her in the past at VOIDHUNTERS. At that moment, however, a caring alarm went off inside her, driving her to the point where the man who had been hiding in her kitchen with the intention of killing her ended up dead on the floor of her bathroom.

She knew someone was coming after her. What she didn't know that it would go as far as someone trying to kill her. Her heart pounded in alarm as she drove away through the streets. The only things she had taken from the house were a few pills for Butterfly, a few pictures of her parents, a gun, and a few of her sister's things. She knew she had to hurry. She suspected that more cars would be pulling up behind her any minute, she suspected that the man wasn't alone.

But before she could think about anything else, there was a loud explosion somewhere behind her. She didn't have to think twice to realize that someone had just blown up the place where she grew up, where she took care of her sister, her home. She blinked to fight back tears and tried to focus on the road ahead. Because she knew the only possible help lived twenty minutes away. Sylus.

She drove fast, speeding, overtaking to get away from any would-be danger. There were so many thoughts, so many fears running through her mind. Even so, she eventually pulled up successfully in front of Sylus' villa, got out, took Butterfly in her arms, and headed for the entrance, which was already locked by this time. Without hesitation, she pounded on the door. It wasn't long before one of the twins answered it. Kieran. ,,Good Lord, thank you," she gushed and ran inside. The young man just turned to face her. ,,Miss Alexis, are you all right?" he asked. Alexis just shook her head and sat down on the sofa in the lobby. ,,Please go get Sylus, bring him in, whatever he's doing," she said urgently, pulling Butterfly into her arms. Kieran looked at her for a moment longer before nodding in agreement and running up the stairs to the first floor. 

Sylus was sitting in the study after Alexis left, so he had time to get back to his business and other things he had to attend to. He was busy reading through documents on his laptop when Kieran came rushing into his office. ,,And who's going to knock?" Sylus growled at him as he lifted his head to look at him. ,,What is it?" He added, but the young man just shook his head. ,,Miss Alexis and her sister are back, she's sitting downstairs and she looks like she's scared of something," the young man spoke, whereupon Sylus paused, putting his laptop down and standing up. He then immediately made his way out of the study and into the hallway, heading all the way downstairs. Even as he descended the stairs he could see Alexis sitting with Butterfly in her arms, she didn't look good at all. ,,Alexis? What's wrong?" He asked as soon as he reached her.

When Alexis noticed that Sylus had arrived, or rather, when she heard his voice, she patted Butterfly's forehead once more, took off the sweatshirt she had covered her with to keep her sister from being cold, and stood up. She turned her teary face to Sylus. ,,There was an assassin back home. He wanted to kill me. I had to do it first, then take Butterfly and run. Our house blew up, we have nowhere to go back to. And I don't have money for a hotel. I was wondering if I could ask you to sleep over, at least tonight. Maybe just for her," she looked to her sister. ,,I'll try to find another place to stay tomorrow, but we have nowhere to be tonight. I'm afraid someone is still after us," she sighed softly. Although her tone was calm, she had a lot to do to keep from collapsing on the spot. She knew she had to be strong now though, especially for Butterfly. 

Sylus noticed her tears immediately. Then, when he heard what happened, he paused slightly. ,,It's good that you came here. You'll both be safe here and you don't have to find a motel. You can stay here, it won't be a problem," he uttered, placing his hand lightly on her shoulder. ,,No one will dare come here," he said and walked even closer to her, then took Butterfly into his arms himself so that she wouldn't have to hold her. ,,Come on, let's get her to her room," he glanced at Alexis, then slowly made his way upstairs with the girl, where he planned to put her in the spare room. ,,You need to get some rest too," he spoke as he then looked at Alexis at his side.

,,As long as she's okay, I don't care," Alexis said as she quickly followed Sylus. When he then opened the door to the room where he'd put her to bed, Alexis was still there watching her for a moment. ,,I still have her things and her meds in the car, I have to... I have to go get them," she said quietly as she then got up and left the room, but stopped outside the door. She leaned her back against the wall, trying not to let the full crying out now. She didn't want Sylus to see her like this. She knew she had to be strong...

,,She'll be fine, don't worry," Sylus looked at Alexis, watching her leave the room. He took one more look at the sleeping Butterfly himself, whereupon he too made his way out of the room. Of course, he didn't expect to run into Alexis there. He walked over to her and gently stroked her cheek. ,,You should get some rest, I'll send Kieran to get your things in the car and you lie down, okay?" he looked at her before gently taking her into his arms. ,,I don't know if it's a good idea to leave you alone in the room right now in this state, I'll take you to my place and don't worry, you're safe now," he whispered.

Alexis was in such shock that she didn't even struggle when Sylus picked her up off the ground. Instead, she wrapped her arms around his neck as if to hide. ,,I should hurt you so much... all this, it's your fault this happened, your fault they knew where we lived. If they hadn't seen us together, if they hadn't seen you in our apartment, things would probably be different," she gushed. Of course, she didn't have the energy to blame him. Besides, he had helped her and given her a roof over her head. But even though she should have cursed him, and rather taken it for granted that he was here now, she felt a warm gratitude and peace spread through her body under his touch. ,,Your fault," she whispered again, taking a ragged breath and trying again and again to fight back tears. 

Sylus carried her in his arms to his room, meeting Kieran on the way and just motioning for him to get her things from the car, then continuing on his way with her. Once he reached his room, he placed Alexis on the bed and sat down next to her. ,,I'm sorry Alexis, I really am," he whispered, tucking a stray lock of hair behind her ear before looking up at her. ,,But you're safe now, nothing's going to happen to you, not one," he uttered some more. He watched her for a moment, then dared to pull her into his embrace.

Alexis watched him, her hands braced on the bed behind her. She wanted so badly to start screaming to him, but she couldn't. She felt like she wasn't in the right to do that. Of course, when Sylus expressed that he was sorry and pulled her into his arms, she allowed herself to be pulled into him and finally let her tears fall. She needed to let out all the frustration, the fear, the tension, the worry, as well as a sense of release and gratitude. As ironic as it was, she felt safe in the villa and in the arms of the man who had caused all of this.

As soon as she started crying, Sylus pulled her even closer to him. He pressed a fleeting kiss into her hair, then rested his chin on the top of her head. He stroked his hand down her back, perhaps in an attempt to calm Alexis somehow. ,,You'll be okay again, don't worry princess," he whispered, pressing her further against him. He rocked her gently in his arms in a soothing manner.

Alexis nodded a few times in agreement to indicate that she understood him, whereupon she curled up more tightly against him. She cried for a moment after that, but before her breathing calmed down, the sobs slowly subsided into just regular breaths, whereupon she wiped the tears from her eyes with one hand. ,,I think he was from VOIDHUNTERS," she whispered softly, ,,I think they're after me after what happened. On the one hand, I think... maybe you still saved me. Who knows what would have happened if I had stayed with them until now," Alexis whispered softly, looking up to Sylus.

Sylus held her close and continued to stroke her back. ,,It's possible, but the main thing is that you made it through and you're safe now, both of you," he said, looking into her eyes. ,,You won't get hurt here," he whispered, lifting one hand slightly, then stroking Alexis' cheek. He wanted to say something more, but he felt like that would only ruin the moment and he didn't want that. /Kiss her... Do it./ He looked at her for a moment longer, but then he couldn't resist. He gently took her face in both hands, leaned down and kissed her. 

DEAL // ENG // Love and Deepspace // Sylus ffWhere stories live. Discover now