Chapter 1: childhood

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Year 969

Sierra Slytherin was 6 years old and yet she noticed how differently her father treated her brothers compared to her although Salazar always supported her, she felt the ache for the love of her parents. One day, she and Salazar were out walking in the small wizarding town they lived in when she bumped into someone and they both fell.

"Oh my Circe i'm so sorry sir, " the six year old gasped out, hissing as she felt a pain in her leg where she got bruised.

"Sia are you alright?" Asked Salazar.

The boy Sierra had bumped into seemed around the same age as Salazar but while Salazar was wearing green robes, he was wearing red.

"Not to worry little one, " he laughed in a deep voice. "I'm Godric. Godric Gryffindor and you?"

"I'm.." She looked at her brother who nodded. "I'm Sierra. Sierra Slytherin and that's my brother, Salazar."

"Pleasure Salazar, Sierra, " answered Godric as he started picking up books from the ground.

"Damn Rowena and her books, " he grumbled as Salazar and Sierra started helping him, neither of the boys having noticed Sierra's bleeding knee and torn purple robes. Suddenly a voice was heard

"Godric. Godric for Hades's sake where are you, " said a girl in blue robes as she turned the corner.

"Oh good lord my books. Ric!" She gasped and threw herself on the ground to start picking them up while talking. "Last time i send you to get my books honestly-"

Another girl in yellow robes who Sierra and Salazar hadn't noticed yet spoke up.

"Rowena calm down it's not then end of the world. It's not like it's raining or the ground is wet. Look at this poor dear, she's hurt and her robes tore."

At the girl's words, everyone turned to look at Sierra then her knee.

"Oh poor dear, i'm so sorry. I have some healing salves at hone a few spells that could do the trick. Why don't you two come with me, " said the girl called Rowena. The two girls looked around 11 too. Just as old as Salazar who piped in

"I think that's a marvelous idea. Before father starts criticizing you Sia. We're Salazar and Sierra Slytherin by the way."

"Rowena Ravenclaw and Helga Hufflepuff, " said the girl in yellow robes. "I'm Helga, " she added as an afterthought.

"Come on, my home is just around the corner, " said Rowena and they all stood up with the books and walked towards a house.

"Oh um i should warn you. My mother is Morgana Le Fay, " said Rowena as they neared the door.

"Why should that be a problem, " asked Salazar and Sierra together. Rowena, Helga and Godric looked surprised before shaking their heads and entering the house. Rowena spelled Sierra's knee, making her fine again and used magic to fix her robes to which she got a huge smile. They found out that the other three were indeed the same age as Salazar and soon enough, Salazar and Sierra became friends with the three and they hung out regularly and although Sierra was younger, she was never excluded. In fact, she was loved more by everyone. When Sierra was 13, the others started building a school in scotland, at that point, Sierra had left the Slytherin household and had been adopted by Merlin and Arthur, Godric's adoptive parents. They blood adopted Sierra but only adopted Godric by paperwork.

The school was to be named hogwarts and after 2 years of hard work, when Sierra was 15, the school opened and that was where Sierra met her soulmate, Lyra Lycanthrope. Sierra knew that Godric and Salazar were soulmates but the two were just so oblivious. Rowena and Helga got together when they were 15 and everyone was just waiting for Godric and Salazar to realise(no homophobia bc you cant control your soulbond)

When Sierra was 16, she started time travelling having been taught by her dad(merlin) and one such night, she decided to pay a visit to Privet drive, Surrey in England. It was Samhain of 1981 and she was surprised when THE Albus Dumbledore -oh yes she knew him from her many time travelling trips- left a baby on a doorstep. A quick spell into the baby's mind told her all she needed to know and she picked up the basket and travelled back to her own time. The baby's name was Harry Potter. She entered the head's office where her father, brother and friends were

"Sierra! Is that a baby? Don't tell me it's yours, " exclaimed Salazar

"Of course not Sal have you seen me pregnant for the last nine months?" She asked, scoffing.

"Good point, " he muttered.

"Where did you get him Sierra?" Asked Rowena who was wearing her Diadem

"1981. We are to raise him, " Sierra says and proceeded to explain everything.

Two years later, the oblivious salazar and godric finally started dating



First chapter done. For the readers of Harry and Stacey Potter, you will recognise the end


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