The begining (2/4)

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Adam handed Savannah the microphone and she turned towards us with a shy smile.

"Hello! My name is Savannah River. I'm nine years old and three interesting things about me is that I like to play with my friends, I like to play with my doggy Snowy and I really like lollipops!" at the end of her speech we could hear in her voice that she was happier than before and she flashed her wide smile at all of us.

Then she returned the microphone to Adam and hopped over to us.

"You didn't mentioned that you have a doggy." Saskia said with her big green doe eyes looking adorably up at Savannah. Saskia like animals more than anything.

"I didn't had the time to mention her yet! She's like a big white fluffy ball and she's this big!" Savannah said, spreading her arms wide above her head and spreading her legs to show the how long is the dog. Saskia clapped her hands over her mouth in awe and jumped up and down while squeaking. Now I was looking at Savannah in admiration at the description of her dog.

"Now now girls, be quiet and listen to how the others introduce themselves so that you remember their names since we will be here together for a week and you can become friends faster." all four of us giggled as Adam said looking right at us. Then he smiled at us and put his hands on his hips.

"Or you know what? One of you is going to come over here right now and introduce yourself. Who wants to go first?" the others around us giggled and started whispering between each other. I hid behind Savannah while Saskia and Katja tried to hide behind each other playfully.

"Hmm since you girls can't decide, let's see what does the shortest of you have to say about yourself." he said while obviously targeting Saskia since she is the shortest of us

I wanted to tease Saskia about it but to my surprise she started walking towards Adam on her own. I leaned over to Katja to ask her about our little sister's odd behavior but she interrupted me first.

"Either she finally got over her fear of people or she likes Adam." my eyes widened when I heard her statement and she poked me in the side with her elbow and raised her eyebrows at me teasingly so I playfully hit her shoulder while making a disgusted expression.

"Looks like we have a brave lady here" Adam said and the other animators nodded in agreement with small smiles.

Saskia stood next to Adam and started playing with the hem of her shirt. It was obvious that she was nervous.

"So can you introduce yourself?" he said, tilting the microphone up to the height of Saskia's mouth. She nodded her head a little and began to speak.

"My name is Saskia Hernandez... I'm seven years old and, and three facts about me are that I love animals, I-i like to sing and I like dogs." she stuttered a little but otherwise successfully finished her sentence.

Adam pulled the microphone away from her and placed it in front of his mouth and began to speak while looking down at her.

"Doesn't a dog rejoice as an animal too?" he made a note of how she talked about animals twice and at that Saskia smiled shyly without answering. Adam just smiled and continued.

"Do you have any pets at home since you like animals? I see you have a bunny on your sweatshirt. Do you like bunnies?" with that he positioned the microphone in the height of her mouth again.

"Y-yes, I have a cat at home. Her name is Cookie because her fur looks like chocolate chip cookie. And I do like bunnies but my daddy doesn't want to buy me a bunny." she said while looking up at Adam.

"Looks like you have to beg a little more and your daddy will surely buy you a bunny soon. " he reassured Saskia as soon as the microphone was in front of him again and patted Saskia's head gently.

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