Chapter 1: I can't take it anymore

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Sakura Pov

They ignore and insult me behind my back. Since then, they decided to assigned me as Karin's assistant at the Hospital. Lady Tsunade thought that I'm unworthy as her apprentice and decided to appoint Karin as her new apprentice. My 'friends' bullied me when Karin became Lady Tsunade's apprentice. Hinata is the only one who defended me against those so called 'Friends'.

Walking to the street, I came across Sasuke and Karin who is making out on the alleyway not really caring if people see them. I cast them a disgust look not believing I ever loved a traitor. I feel so stupid falling in love with him, I should've just focused on myself back then. Now, I lost everything I have.

"Karin, I'm going to beat that useless ugly fangirl, I can't believe she hurt you because she's so jealous at you." Sasuke says while kissing Karin's neck. Karin just moan enjoying whatever they were doing. I decided to ignore them, and kept walking like I didn't saw their disgusting make out session. Then after that I saw Naruto talking to his friends.

"You know, I heard this rumor that the useless Sakura have the nerve to hurt Karin-chan and called her weak when she's the one who can't even do anything but to complain." Naruto gossip to his friends and they agreed saying how disgusting I was. I can't stand them anymore... I ran to the training ground, saw Hinata sat down on the tree and seems to be lost in thought, she then noticed my presence.

"I heard the rumors Sakura-chan, don't listen to what they say." Hinata says as she jump down the tree, and walk towards me then embrace me.

" Hinata, I... I want to leave this village, I had enough of them... they kept on treating me like I'm a filth in their eyes." I cried as Hinata rub my back. Hinata then kept saying 'don't worry, I'm always here for you'.

"Sakura-chan, how about we leave this village and find a new village that will accept us?" Hinata softly suggested. I nodded without hesitation, agreeing about her brilliant suggestion.

"We don't have to hide our real potential. "I added.

"We will leave at 11 at night." she nodded and we both part our ways to get ready for our leave.


I sealed my clothes and stuff in my scrolls, glance at my parents who was sleeping. "Goodbye, thank you for everything" I whispered and made my way to the gate. Hinata was already there waiting for my arrival.

"Let's go, Hinata let's leave this place." We both head out the gate, before leaving I glance at the Konoha. Both happy and bad memories flashes before me.

"Goodbye Hidden Trash Village." I muttered.


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