Her Blood

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( Yukiko p.o.v )

I was waiting for the crossover today where gonna get chocolate from the day class students. I made chocolates for the first time , for everybody I hope they like it.

" let's go, I'm bored " I whined , kaname came down and I got up and we all got ready. When we where outside Yuki was explaining the rules and kaname warned hanabusa. I ran to my fan girls and boys and got their candy.

I gave my candy to seiren and thanked her and went up to zero and hugged him, " zero, I miss you so much, I wish I was human so we could be together and be best friends" I said and gave him my chocolate. I felt kaname's gaze on me and hugged zero one last time and went to class.

( kaname's p.o.v )

What am I doing wrong?? Why doesn't she treat me like that vampire hunter. I hate the fact that she is falling in love with him.

My heart is becoming weak I can't stand this anymore. Yukiko come back to me please.

( Yukiko p.o.v )

I was staring out the window and got up and shouted "STOP" everyone turned to me with a confused look and I walked to hanabusa,ruka, and akatsuki and gave them their chocolate and hugged all of them. I went to rima and senri and hugged both of them and handed them their chocolate.

Then to seiren and takuma. I saved kaname for last and grabbed his hand and dragged him out of class and to the fountain. I stopped and hugged him.

I intertwined my fingers with kaname and blushed a
Little and gave him his chocolate.

( kaname's p.o.v )

She intertwined her fingers with mine and started blushing and looked at me. She handed me my chocolate and said " thank you kaname, we'll always be siblings no matter what "

I looked at her and smiled and said " we always where" and kissed her on the forehead. And hugged her again . she blushed and hugged me.

She let go of me and said " we should head back onii- I mean kaname " and she ran off . she never calls me her brother anymore not since her death.

I signed and went back to class and said where everybody was . takuma noticed and realized they weren't here. I signed again and sat down.

( Yukiko p.o.v )

I went to my room and locked the door and fell to the ground and grabbed my head. ' no stop already' I thought , this always happens and I can't stand it anymore.

My eyes started glowing and I clutched my shirt and started hearing a women's voice that sounded like mine and kept saying " we'll be together always kaname onii-sama " I finally got on my bed and closed my eyes and I eventually fell asleep.

~~~~next day~~~~

( Yukiko p.o.v )


There was a girl and kaname in a field of flowers both laughing and talking. I guess there in love. I look at the girl and can't really see her face.

I hear kaname say " since they say your the bloody rose princess, I shall call this vampires hunter weapon ' bloody rose' " the girl started laughing and kissed his cheek and said " I love you kaname onii-sama "

~~~~end of dream~~~~

I woke up sweating and thought ' that all seemed familiar' . I got out of bed and took a shower and jumped out the window and headed to town. I sat down on a bench.
~~~~~ timeskip~~~~~

It was getting late and I stood up and was about to walk away when I saw Yuki running away from someone.
I quickly followed her and saw a level E attack her

I looked at her and grabbed Artemis, me and her both have the same weapon except mine is original. She saw me and gasped , I grabbed my Artemis and sparks started showing up. My hand started shaking .

The level E went to attack Yuki but I got in front of him and dropped Artemis. He scratched me and he smelled my blood. I looked at my blood and said " oh god " I looked at him and he jumped on me and kept scratching me. " more, it smells so good more " said the little boy . Yuki looked me I yelled at her " GO YUKI NOW" she shook her head and was too scared.

I looked at the boy and he scratched my neck and I yelled out in pain " ah, no stop please " I begged , I didn't want to kill him, I finally yelled " ZERO, KANAME HELP ME" .

The little boy stopped and got off me, I looked at the way he was looking at and saw kaname. He went to yuki and covered her eyes, I also closed my eyes and when I opened them the little boy was gone.

I got up and was covered in some blood. But my wounds healed , kaname was gonna say something when Yuki blurted out " I'm so sorry I just stood there watching Yukiko- senpai " I looked at her and said " become strong Yuki or next time you will be killed " I then left and went back to the academy


I was looking for zero and smelled Yuki's blood and ran to see zero drinking her blood. " zero stop, your drinking too much" I say and grab his arm and try to stop him.

He then pushed me and I fell and hit my head really hard and started bleeding. Zero looked at me and jumped on me and bit my neck.

" AHHHH" I screamed out in pain and saw Yuki shaking. ' it hurts no stop please ' I kept thinking and saw kaname and zero looked at me and then said my name I also saw kaname's eyes glow a little.

Zero got of me and kaname looked at me with worry. "Zero I told you too drink my blood if you where hungry you an idiot" tears threaten to fall so I got up and ran to my dorm ignoring everybody.

I got to my room and heard rima and ruka say " come to our room" I went to their room and broke down crying they both hugged me and rima said " it's alright, your our best friend so let it all out " I continued crying and ruka said " me, rima,akatsuki, hanabusa, takuma,senri,seiren,kaname, zero, and even Yuki all care about you so it's alright" I hugged them both and smiled and fell asleep with both of them by my side.


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