Male Lead.
Zarsan Harnandez
24 years old
______________Female Lead
Izna Rievera
20years old
_______________Others female character.
Daniella Reed
20years old
Best friend of Izna
><Mirana Orgeta
20years old
Friend of Izna
><Ashley Edison
20years old
Friend of Izna
><Tiana Walker
20years old
Friend of Izna & Zersan both.
><Rowsen Park
20years old
Friend of Izna & Tiana
Cousin of Zersan
_________________Male Character
Bryce Charly
24years old
Best friend of Zersan
Friend of Izna
><Jade Warner
24years old
Friend of Both Izna and Zersan
><Rowan Depp
Friend of Zersan
Boyfriend of Rowsen
__________________"TURBULENT DESIRE"
Be with you, Never!
~~~~~~~(The following Story is fictional, there's no connection between story, place, time and situation, It's totally based on author's pov.)
Hi Everyone hope you all are doing well. It's my new story, i hope you all will support me like before. Please vote for my stories and comment below to let me know about your opinion and my mistake do i can do it better.
Turbulent Desire.
General FictionWhere two friends fall in love and become strangers.