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Author's POV
They say when you meet 'the one,' your heart knows. Something deep in you knows the sound and the face of that one. But they forgot to mention that when you encounter death on your way to the one, you become numb. There is no knowing of love. Only hate and struggles. Only survival. And when all you want to do is survive, you won't have time to daydream of love. Because a broken heart is still a broken heart. But one thing I know about love: it can be the fastest, strongest force or the slowest, strongest force. It finds you. Slowly, before you even know where you are heading, you find your heart trapped in it. Before you know it, he is the one; love is already making its way into your heart, making it soft, making it ache for him. And damn, you may say you have limits. You have standards. But when it finds you, it transforms who you thought you were. Only love can make kings bow and the strongest fall to their knees.

## Amelia's POV

A few days later, I am here to submit my CV. Walking in this hall, I feel the tension of not belonging here. I feel the exact feeling of being an outsider. But for the sake of my future, I need to make it through. Maybe I should have a self-celebration for survival. It's been a while, and my feelings have been bottled up in surviving. I haven't had the time to let out a simple shout to express my struggles. I'm doing great—better than I imagined.

'Excuse me. I'm here to submit my CV.'

The woman behind the desk stared at me in shock. I could tell she didn't like me.

'This is his business card,' I added to reduce the tension.

'You are here for Mr. Luis?' She half-laughed.


'Are you sure it's the right address?'

Damn, this woman thinks I'm dumb. Yes, I'm underdressed for a place like this, but I'm not dumb enough to just pop into a place like this and pretend to know someone.

'Yes, he personally gave me his business card a few days ago and told me to submit the CV.'

She still didn't believe me. I could tell by how she stared at me.

'Okay, you can sit there as I make a call to confirm.'

I sat with my back straight, uncomfortably wrapping my hands around my knees. I couldn't wait to get out of here.

After some time, she told me to leave my papers there.

'He is in a meeting. I'll confirm with you once he is out. If you can wait, do so. Though he is not due out anytime soon.'


I sat there for the next thirty minutes, looking straight at nowhere. I felt out of place in a way I couldn't manage to even stare at anything.

'You know you can walk around if you want, so long as you don't enter somebody's office,' an old woman said as she sat next to me.


'I've noticed you didn't even move a foot.' She smiled. 'It's like you feel so out of place, and you can't wait to get out of here.'

I smiled nervously.

'There is a rooftop. You can grab some air there.'

I was staring blankly at her, not knowing what to say.

'Take the elevator and press 23. After that, you'll find a corridor leading to a door at the far end,' she added.

'Thank you.'

She smiled lightly. I decided to take her advice and go get some air.

It really was a nice place—better than the inside. The tension left me as soon as the wind brushed my face. I felt alive. For the first time in a while, I took a long breath and felt good.

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