Chapter 16

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The next day was spent getting ready for the party. Decorating, doing makeup, getting outfits on, and for ally, avoiding Sirius. She hadn't told anyone about what happened, and she wasn't planning on it. She also hadn't spoken to the boy at all, and she was trying her hardest to keep from making eye contact with him. She couldn't stop thinking about his hand gripping her chin, and how his eyes kept flickering from her eyes to her lips. She cursed herself for getting that close to him, but also cursed Frank longbottom for interrupting. Her feelings were mixed and she felt severely confused.

Ally and her group of friends were matching costumes, all going as pirates. They all sat around the common room doing each others makeup, and helping each other get ready, but ally felt distracted. And that distraction was in the form of the group of boys sat somewhere close by to them, also getting ready. She felt her eyes slowly drift over to them, and then shoot back to whatever she was doing.
"You ok?" Alice called out, as she grabbed the girls hand. The others looked over, curious. Ally looked up, staring at her for a second, confused on what was happening.
"Yea, why?" She answered, tilting her head to the side.
"Just checking babe" Alice said with a smile. They all continued getting ready.

Sirius could not stop thinking about his almost kiss with Ally. He wanted to kiss her, but Frank stopped him. He wanted to talk to the girl, but she was definitely avoiding him. She won't even look in his direction for longer than two seconds. He also had not told anyone about it, but had wanted to. He decided that he wouldn't mention it until he had a chance to speak to ally. He didn't want to make her even more upset than he already assumed she was. His group of friends were also getting ready for the party later that night. Sirius was dressing as a stag, James was going as a werewolf, Peter as a black dog, and finally Remus as a rat. They all found this hilarious, and had thought of it weeks ago.

"Right, are we all ready?" Marlene said, as she stood up from her spot on the floor. She was followed by the rest of her friends, all nodding. "Let's goooo" she shouted earning a laugh from everyone.
"Oh shit, I need to grab my wand." Ally mumbled to herself, loud enough for her group to hear. They all had their wands tucked into their belts, like a sword, however she had forgetten hers upstairs. "I'll catch up with you." She said, giving them all a smile.
"Are you sure?" Levi stepped towards the girl, looking at her with worried eyes. "I'll wait for you if you want."
"No, it's fine, I'll be quick don't worry." Ally said with a reassuring look.

And so the group left, heading to the room of requirements, where the party was all set up. Ally ran upstairs, jumping over beds to grab her wand. She descended the stairs, tucking her wand into her belt. As she got to the bottom, still fixing her wand, she ran into something in the entrance to the common room. She looked up, confused, and was met with the smirk of Sirius black. Fuck. She looked around, hoping for someone to be there, to save her. But no one was left in the common room except from herself and Sirius. She was once again alone, stuck, with the boy she was trying to avoid.
"You've been avoiding me, walker." He whispered down to her. Her breath caught in her throat. There was no escaping this. She opened her mouth to responded, but nothing came out. "I'm guessing it might be to do with last night." The boy continued, not taking his eyes off the girl.

After a few seconds of staring, Sirius knew he was not getting a response. He chuckled slightly and leant down to get to her eye level.
"Let's talk about it." He said, lifting his hand to play with the chain still around his neck. And finally he got a response.
"Would love to but gotta go, sorry, black." She replied with a stutter. She ducked under his arm and ran over to the portrait hole, exiting the room. Sirius huffed at her persistent need to avoid him. He grabbed the antler headband from the couch, laughing to himself slightly, before following the girl and heading to the party. A strong need to get drunk. It was going to be a long night.

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