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                           V I V I A N
it has been a few days since the situation with Sarah and her friends, I'm currently getting ready for the party today.

since my dad is still out of state, I've been home spending time with my mom before she has to leave again for work. although I know she's going to leave state while I'm at the party.

I am wearing a skintight black dress that goes to my mid-thigh with a slit on the left side of the dress. With a pair of black heals. I didn't want to do too much for this party. i kept the makeup natural.

my phone rang and i picked it up.

"Hey, are you ready for the party?" Xavier asked.

"Yea I'm just grabbing my purse then I'll be there." I got up out of my seat and grabbed my bag.

"Alright, new girl and boy are here already."

"Okay, I just got to say bye to my mom."

"Alright bye I'll see you when you get here."

"okay" I hung up and went downstairs and saw my mom asleep on the couch, I walked towards her and grabbed a blanket on the chair. I walked up to her and put the blanket on her and kissed her forehead.

"Bye mom." I sighed and started to walk out.

"you're a good kid, I'm proud of you and always will be." she whispered.

"Yea only if you and dad were always around." I then walked out.


I pulled into the garage and got out of the car, I looked around and there was probably my whole graduation class there. I looked around for Xavier and seen who talking to a girl.

she was around my Hight a little shorter, she had dark brown hair with beautiful brown eyes. she was dressed in a light pink dress that stopped right below her ass. Next to her was Xavier dressed in a pair of black jeans and a black tee- shirt with a pair of sneakers. he didn't really like to dress up too much for parties.

I shut my car door and walked towards Olivia, me and Olivia have been close friends for years, she was the closest thing I had to a sister, she was there the first time I got my period, she talked to me when I had family issues, boy issues, and more stuff. she's let me sleep at her house a few times when my parents fight, let's just say a lot of baggage comes with my life.

"Viv! hay, you look hot as fuck!" she cheered.

"Hey liv, so do you" I smiled as we hugged.

liv was the most beautiful person I have ever seen, she had beautiful blue eyes, she was dirty blond. tonight, she had a dark red dress on the stopped at mid-thigh with a slit in the right side, with a pair of black heals.

"Hey, I'm going to go see vi, I'll see you later!" I yelled over the crowd.

"Okay bye! I'll see you later." she yelled back.

I smiled and turned around to go find Xavier, once I seen him, I walked up to them.

"Hey vi." I spoke.

"Hey Viv, this is Angie, Angie this is my best friend Viv."

"Hi, it's nice to meet you." she said.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you to" I smiled.

"Viv are you going back to my house with me?" Xavier asked.

"Yea, my mom left for work again so." I looked down.

"Hey, Angie, we'll be right back." Xavier grabbed my hand and took me to an empty room.

he walked towards the couch and sat on the arm while i sat in a chair.

"it's something else, what's wrong." he asked.

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"You don't get this sad about your parents, so I know it's something else. unless you lie to me all the time and tell me everything at home is okay, but I hope you don't lie to me, best friends don't lie to each other." he spoke.

"Okay fine it is something else." you.

" What is it?"

"I'm starting to feel things that I probably shouldn't..."

"That do you mean?" he raised an eyebrow.

I side eyed him.

"What- oh, oh my gosh. you have feelings for me." he smirked.

"Wipe that smirk off your mouth!" I felt my cheeks warm up.

"nope" he smiled at me.

"You can go back to Angie though, I'm okay." I forced a smile on my lips.

"Mm your jealous." yes, I am

"I can't control if you like her like that" i shrugged.

"I don't"

" Okay whatever" i shrugged and got up from the chair.

he soon got up after me, as I was about to walk by, he stopped in front of me, did I mention this man is tall as fuck.

"I said I don't like her like that."

"Whatever, this is never going to happen, I'll get over it" I pointed my finger at us.

"You don't just get over things Viv, you're not going to get over it, i know you."

"whatever" I looked down and moved to the side to walk out.

he put his arm out and wrapped it around me when i tried to leave the room.

"Sit the fuck down so I can talk and cut that jealous shit out." he spoke in a serious tone.

I looked down again and walked to sit down, as he did the same thing.

"I've been in love with you since freshman year, so yes I feel the same way, do I think it's going to work? no I don't, and yes, I do like Angie and I'm going to keep getting to know her. deal with it or don't I don't care, just stop being jealous."

" Wait so if you've been in love with me since freshman year why haven't you said anything, and if you don't think this is going to work why are you telling me not to be jealous about Angie as if we are in a relationship? yea no fuck this shit" I got up as tears fell down my face.

" Do whatever you want but what we had is done, I can't be friends with someone I have feelings for." I said as I walked out with tears rolling.

I began looking for liv and locked eyes with her, she nodded, and I knew she meant I could go home with her. I grabbed my purse and walked towards the entrance of the house with tears pouring down my eyes and people staring at me as liv scowled at them.


y'all are lucky, my fingers hurt like a bitch from all this typing I did. this chapter is 1057 words.

anyways I'll see you guys' next chapter, vote and comment please!!!

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