VampireBlue X Cryo (FR) Little Wings

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Requested by Toxin_Ate_Soren

Red and Blue are both Vampires but they drink each other's blood, but it barely works as well as Steve blood. My AU! Steve Saga Steves blood is their color but a darker shade. Blue is also the shortest one there. Blue, Red, and Green (wherever he is) are triplets made by Sabre, so they have things like wings and are shorties >:}

Warnings: Neck bites, kissing, kissing with tongue, small description of blood, Boy x Boy, bottom Vampire!Blue, sensitive wings, Blue with no shirt, and anything I missed!


POV: Blue

Why did we have to be in a universe without Red? Me, Cryo, and Rune are in a universe that the Arther sent us to as he said that there may be something that can help us defeat the parasite. It just so happened right when I was going to drink some blood Red was going to give me. "Though me and him both know that our blood will only satisfy us for so long." I thought to myself. I heard my stomach growl reminding me that I need to drink some blood or I can pass out.

"Are you hungry already Blue?" Rune said jokingly with a chuckle. Cryo thought I ate earlier, making him confused. "But didn't you eat before we left?" Cryo said to me, raising an icey eyebrow. "No, I didn't, I was dragged away before I could eat anything." I said not lying but not telling the whole truth either. "We can find food in the morning. Think you can last that long Blue?" Rune said before he turned to me asking if I could wait to eat. "I'm not sure if I can" I thought to myself, but I wasn't going to tell them that though. "Y-yeah, probably." I said, hiding my doubt. "Alright then, we can camp the night here." Rune said as we entered a very small cave.

"I will go get some firewood to keep us warm, I'll be back in a bit." Rune said as he walked off. I was left with Cryo, all alone, no one around for a bit, nothing to stop me from feeding. "No Blue! You cannot drink from your friends! Bad Blue! I scolded myself in my head. Cryo was apparently trying to talk to me if his "Hey, are you even listening to me!" frustrated comment was anything to go by. "Crap what did he say?" I thought swiftly before answering him. "Oh uh, sorry I must have spaced out for a bit." I said to him. Cryo gave me an exaggerated sigh before he repeated what he had said. "I said, Rune left us alone, what are we supposed to do while he is gone? Die of boredom!" His voice was getting blurry at the end, that was the first sign of a Vampire's hunger starting to get to them. I need to drink blood soon or my instincts might kick in, that wouldn't be good.

I never went long without blood before, recently me and Red would help each other and before I had the rest of my family. Red could go longer without blood as he had to get used to it, giving him a longer wait period before he needed to drink blood again. I backed myself to the wall at the end of the cave, earning myself a concerned look on Cryo's face. "You doing good there Blue?" Cryo asked as he walked up to me. I looked away as I slid to the floor, I don't want him to find out. Red and Sabre always told me not to tell anyone, as they might turn on me because I'm a vampire.

My lack of response only made Cryo more worried. He kneeled down next to me resting a hand on my shoulder. I know he meant it as comforting, but it only made it harder to ignore my growing hunger. "Tell me what's wrong will you? I can tell something is bothering you so don't try and lie to me." Cryo said, giving me a hug. ". . ." I didn't say anything but I knew he was right, my thirst for blood was getting to me. Cryo sighed again at my silence.

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