Chapter One | Stalking us?

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TW; This story does contain substance abuse, Domestic Violence, and many more triggering scenarios. Please don't no read ahead if you are triggered by the above. 


"In another life, i would be your girl!" 

i scream as Katy Perry's The One That Got Away blasted through my speakers. I walked over to my wardrobe to get dressed and ready for my new school. I grabbed out one of my many graphic tees and paired it with my pink plaid skirt and black tights. I put those on as i was letting down my bright pink, waist length hair. I put on my normal makeup consisting of concealer, dark eyeshadow and mascara.

i grab my Iphone off my bedside table and unplug it from my stereo. I grab my docs and walk downstairs to the kitchen where my mother is standing staring out the window like she does every morning. I can see the tears in her eyes begin to swell.

"I'm heading off to school mum, i love you!"

i put my doc martens on and open the front door. I take one more glance at my mum to realise she hasn't snapped out of the trance she was in to say good bye.

I put my headphones into my ear and continue playing Katy Perry as i walked to school. My mum, step dad and i moved here to Sydney a week ago due to my step dad getting a new job here. He says it would be better for my mother and her mental health but i highly doubt that. I know for a fact he's the problem.

Today's my first day and i'm terrified. I've never been to a school like this where i've not had to wear uniform, i'm lost on what to wear everyday.

I walk into the front office taking out my headphones and placing them in my pocket.

"Hi, my names Aria Melody, um.. today's my first day?"

The front office lady looked up at me with an expressionless face, then back at the computer. I waited 5 minutes before receiving my time table, she then continued to look me up and down as if i was contaminated with some disease she didn't want to catch.

I spin around without saying a word and walk to my first class upstairs. As i was walking towards the stairs i see a group of four boys in the music room practicing. The one singing had an amazing voice, a lip ring and blonde hair, The boy on the bass had dark hair with small blonde streaks through them and the drummer had longer hair, just past his ears, with a red bandanna keeping it tame. I could hear a guitar swelling the room with loud    but had no sight of where it was coming from, i tried to look all over the room with my face practically pressed against the glass in curiosity. It is then that the boy on the guitar walks out from the other corner of the room. I couldn't help but audibly gasp at his hair, his hair was the same bright pink as mine. His right eyebrow was pierced and had a Blink-182 shirt on. He was so perfect.

I quickly step back and snap myself out of it. What the hell is wrong with me. I don't even know him, he could have a girlfriend for all i know. And since when did i start feeling this way about relationships? what the fuck. Who is he.

I look back at the boys and all four of them are staring at me. With the coloured hair boys expression it was enough to make me want to die, not in a good way. He looked so pissed off. that was my cue to leave.

I quickly turn on my heals and hurry to my first class. My first class was Math. Lord help me.

-After Class-

I plug my headphones and walk back down stairs. I walk past the music room to see if I could see that mysterious boy again. I try to look further into the room by going closer to the glass. To my disappointment, He's not there. I sign and look at the floor and turn around. I accidentally bump into a boy wearing all black combat boots and black skinny jeans. 

"You looking for somebody?" He says with a slight giggle. I look up and notice it was the boy drumming from the group of boys in the music room before. I couldn't help but glance at the muscles on his arm. "The names Ashton"

"Um.. Hi, I'm Arie" I say quietly, embarrassed by the memory of the interruption I had to them earlier in the morning. 

"so what's with you and stalking us? I don't think I've ever seen you around here before" His tone still higher pitched indicating he isn't as pissed as the pink hair boy seemed. 

"I- I wasn't stalking, I was just admiring and yes I'm new, sorry about before by the way, I didn't mean to interrupt" Once again I look at his arms and instantly blush, what is wrong with me. Ugh.

He giggles again and I smile, "Well Arie, what's your next class? I can take you to it if you'd like"

"Um..." I pull out my timetable from my pocket and unfold it "... English" 

"Follow me"

I follow behind Ashton, keeping my eyes at our feet, to embarrassed to look anywhere else. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31 ⏰

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