Chapter 2:Risalah Al-Nur

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Rasail alNur or known as Risalah al-Nur is a meaning from Al-Quran morethan 130 title,like al-kalimat,al-Maktubat,al-Lamaat and more.

In public,all risalah focus to asking about iman. The most one book that use in Rasa'il writing al-Nur is Al-Quran.This risalah mostly written when he got fired from a country named Barla after 8 years.Even though Badiuzzaman Said al-Nursi surounded by bad cops,Rasail al-Nur still can gave to islamic
Country with secretly.

Earlyer strategy Rasail al-Nur (islamic regelion learning book)written in arab word,then written in turki word but still using arab word.

risail al-nur is just not popular in turki,they also popular in whole world,then the book risail have 40 language of world.

The earlyer strategy,Badiuzzaman Said al-Nursi asking help to his brother Abdul Majid translate a few rasail al-nur into arab language.Then Abdul Majid gave to Ihsan Qasim al-Salihi that made a perfect arab language until chapter 8.

Until now,Rasail al-Nur had translated to Jerman,italy,France,Rusia,Rumania,Bulgaria,Parsi,Kurdi,Urdu,India,Malay,Indonesia,and all language on Asia country.Most of it is in shape of small risalah.

Thx again for reading this novel of THE HEROES OF ISLAMIC! There were more chapter coming soon.see ya!

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