The Iron Flirtin'

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Heavy, the towering, broad-shouldered woman, had always been a pillar of strength on the battlefield. Her muscles rippled beneath her tattered, red uniform, her presence a looming shadow over friend and foe alike. Her brunette hair was cut short, barely brushing her ears, and her eyes—cold, steel-blue—could send shivers down anyone's spine. But today, those same eyes softened as she gazed across the barracks at Medic.

Medic was everything Heavy was not—petite, with a sharp, angular face framed by raven-black hair tied into a neat bun. Her white lab coat hung loosely over her shoulders, always spotless despite the chaos of battle. Her glasses perched delicately on her nose, magnifying the intelligent, piercing gaze behind them. She moved with a precision that could only come from years of medical practice and battlefield experience, her every motion calculated and efficient, despite the heavy Medi-gun she carried on her back.

The two had worked together for years, their synergy on the battlefield unmatched. Heavy's brute strength was nothing without Medic's sharp mind and healing prowess, and Medic knew that Heavy's unyielding protection was the reason she could do her job so well. But recently, Heavy had started to feel something more—something she hadn't felt in a long time.

Today, after a particularly grueling battle, the two found themselves alone in the dimly lit barracks. The others had gone to celebrate their victory, but Heavy had stayed behind, her mind too full to enjoy the revelry. She was wiping down her beloved minigun, Sasha, when Medic entered the room.

"Heavy," Medic's voice was soft, but it carried the authority of someone used to being listened to. "You should be resting. You took quite a few hits today."

Heavy looked up, her heart skipping a beat at the sight of Medic. The doctor's concern was clear in her eyes, and Heavy felt a warmth spread through her chest. She smiled, a rare sight for anyone else, but something Medic had grown used to over time.

"Is nothing, Doctor. Just scratches," Heavy rumbled, her voice deep and gravelly. She set Sasha aside, leaning back in her chair, trying to seem casual, though her heart pounded in her chest.

Medic stepped closer, her brow furrowing as she scrutinized Heavy. "Scratches or not, you need to take care of yourself. Let me see." Without waiting for a response, she moved to Heavy's side, her Medi-gun already primed with a soft red light.

Heavy tensed as Medic's hands brushed against her skin, the warmth of the healing energy flowing into her. It was a sensation she was used to, but today, it felt different—more intimate. She looked down at Medic, who was focused intently on her work, her lips pressed into a thin line of concentration.

"Doctor..." Heavy began, her voice hesitant, uncharacteristically unsure. She wasn't used to feeling vulnerable, but around Medic, she couldn't help it.

Medic glanced up, her eyes meeting Heavy's. "Yes, Heavy?"

The way Medic said her name, so soft and caring, made Heavy's heart swell. She had faced countless enemies without fear, but this—this was terrifying.

"I... I am not good with words," Heavy admitted, her cheeks flushing slightly, a rare show of emotion. "But... you are important to me, Doctor. More than just on battlefield."

Medic blinked in surprise, the glow of her Medi-gun fading as she let her hands fall to her sides. She stood still, processing Heavy's words, her heart skipping a beat. "Heavy, are you saying...?"

Heavy nodded, swallowing hard. "I think of you... always. Not just in battle. I want to protect you... not because it is my job, but because I care. Deeply."

Medic's heart fluttered in her chest. She had always felt a connection with Heavy, something beyond their professional relationship, but she had never imagined that the stoic woman could feel the same way.

"Heavy," Medic began, stepping closer, her hand reaching out to gently touch Heavy's cheek. "You don't have to be good with words. I understand."

Heavy's eyes widened at the touch, her breath catching in her throat. She reached up, covering Medic's hand with her own, dwarfing it with her size. "You... understand?"

Medic smiled, a rare, genuine smile that lit up her face. "Yes, Heavy. I've felt the same way for a long time."

The weight that had been pressing on Heavy's chest lifted, replaced by a warmth that spread through her entire body. She let out a breath she didn't realize she had been holding, a soft, relieved chuckle escaping her lips.

"You are not just my doctor, Medic. You are..." Heavy hesitated, searching for the right words. "You are my everything."

Medic's heart melted at the confession, and without thinking, she leaned up, pressing a gentle kiss to Heavy's lips. Heavy froze, her eyes wide, but then she melted into the kiss, her arms wrapping around Medic, pulling her close.

It was a kiss full of unspoken words, of years of fighting side by side, of mutual respect and admiration, and of a love that had grown slowly, quietly, until it could no longer be ignored.

When they finally pulled apart, both women were breathless, their foreheads resting against each other. Heavy smiled, a rare, genuine smile that reached her eyes, softening their usual steely gaze.

"I will protect you always, Medic," Heavy whispered, her voice filled with emotion.

"And I will always be here to heal you, Heavy," Medic replied, her hand still resting against Heavy's cheek, her thumb gently stroking her skin.

The battlefield had brought them together, but it was their hearts that had kept them close. In that moment, they knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together—stronger and more united than ever before.

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