Chapter 18

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Fallowpaw watched, sympathetic, as Ryepelt touched Grassleg's shoulder with his tail tip and then padded away. Walking cautiously over to his mentor, Fallowpaw sat down beside him. "Do you think Ryepelt is telling the truth?" He asked, although he doubted the warrior would lie about something like that.

"He's my son." Grassleg replied, his voice cold.

I didn't know that. Fallowpaw thought it was obvious; Grassleg's mate, Patchstep, was white and blue-gray, just like Ryepelt. And Ryepelt had the same broad shoulders and big paws as Grassleg. "Oh."

"I need a moment," Grassleg mewed with a sigh. "Go check on Yellowpaw, will you? Fill her in on what happened."

Excitement filled Fallowpaw's heart at the thought of his friend. He had only seen her since she called the meeting; and she had been in such pain and anxiety then. He hoped Stormcloud and Weedtooth were healing her well; he remembered finding her, mauled and half-blinded. Would her eye be okay? He doubted it.

Dipping his head to his mentor, Fallowpaw padded away, towards the medicine den. He noticed that there was a cloud of anxiety and sorrow in the area, and he shivered as he pushed through the gorse screen and into the den.

"Who's there?" A mew sounded from the shadows.

Fallowpaw recognized Weedtooth's voice, and could make out the medicine cat at the edge of the den. "I'm just visiting Yellowpaw," He called, his voice echoeing around the den.

"She's sleeping," Weedtooth replied.

Fallowpaw shuffled his paws. "I can leave, if you want."

"No, no." Weedtooth said. "I want you to take her out of camp. She's been stuck in the medicine den for nearly a quarter moon, and I want her to practice using only one eye." His voice was brisk, and his paws rustled the leaves he was sorting. "Please, be patient with her. She's terrified of going outside."

I am, too, after what happened to her. Fallowpaw thought.

He didn't speak his thoughts, and padded across the den towards Yellowpaw. She was laying in a shaft of pale sunlight coming from the gorse screen, although the scarred side of her face was covered by shadows. Fallowpaw cringed and prodded his friend with a forepaw.


Yellowpaw jerked away from her nightmares at the prod of a paw. She opened her eyes to see a blurry, gray and black face. Logpaw?

As her vision cleared, she turned her muzzle to see Fallowpaw. Happiness and relief surged through her. She had missed her friend. His yellow eyes shone with affection and worry... was there fear, too? Yellowpaw lifted her head, aware of how sore her face was. I feel so dizzy after the poppy seeds...

"Weedtooth wants me to take you on a walk," Fallowpaw explained.

For a moment, excitement filled Yellowpaw's blood. Then she shuddered. "What about the wolves?" She dreaded the thought of a second attack; but even with Fallowpaw, they wouldn't stand a chance.

"I'll keep you safe," Fallowpaw promised, though he sounded unsure. Yellowpaw decided not to press him, though she was still nervous.

Rising to her paws, Yellowpaw followed her adoptive brother towards the gorse screen. The light burned her face, and she squinted, wondering how long she had been stuck in shadow. Fallowpaw seemed uneasy, too, pushing through the gorse screen and into the clearing. Yellowpaw followed, hesitant.

In the clearing, the Clan was murmering anxiously, and Yellowpaw wondered what was wrong now. "What's going on?" She asked Fallowpaw.

"Er, I'll tell you on the way."

She followed her friend through the heather tunnel, feeling anxiety swell in her chest at every pawstep. The wolves are probably everywhere, She thought, though she knew she was being ridiculous.

As she and Fallowpaw walked, he told her about Ryepelt and the supposed Dark Forest attack. Yellowpaw listened, unease making her paws feel cold. She just wanted this to be over. If the Clan was peaceful, then maybe she could go back to apprentice duties. She was getting used to having one eye now.

That reminds me. "What do I look like?" She asked. Fallowpaw flinched, and Yellowpaw suddenly wished she had never asked.

Regardless, Fallowpaw simply led her to the gorge. She heard the rushing of water in her ears, and the faint pawsteps of herselves and Fallowpaw's. She reached the edge of the water and looked in.

"Oh." Half of her face was clawed away.

Taking a step back, Yellowpaw tried to think reasonably. She had always been an attractive cat, although she wasn't descriptive about it. There weren't any cats she felt attracted to- except for Larkpaw, maybe- but other than that, her beauty had never mattered to her. Now she felt like the most hideous cat in the forest, as if cats would back away and turn her down at the sight of her ravaged face.

"I'm sorry," Fallowpaw told her. Yellowpaw shook her head softly. It's not your fault. I shouldn't even care.

But I do...

Fallowpaw turned away and kept walking through the moor. Yellowpaw followed, wishing she could somehow distract herself from her own thoughts. She noticed Fallowpaw was walking hesitantly, as if he was anxious; she could ask him about that. It's probably nothing. He always walks like that. "Are you okay?"

To her surprise, Fallowpaw turned to her, his eyes round and wide with fear. Were those tears forming on his gaze? "No," He choked out.

Yellowpaw stopped in her tracks and turned to her friend.

"I never wanted to go to the Dark Forest," Fallowpaw choked out. "It's Finchpaw. She took me. I didn't want to go, I never did... but I can't get out. I can never escape. Finchpaw will never, ever let me go."

What? Confusion seemed to melt Yellowpaw's mind. "Fallowpaw, what are you talking about? Dark Forest and StarClan aren't real."

"I could never change your beliefs," Fallowpaw choked out, seeming hurt and scared. Is it possible he... isn't making things up? He sounded so genuine and fearful. "But Yellowpaw, please help me. The Dark Forest cats... they had a whole plot... the Clan is just walking straight into their traps. If they don't believe Ryepelt, then the entire Clan- and the other four- will be destroyed."

Yellowpaw sighed. "Are you sure?"

"Of course I am."

Remembering the teeth sinking into her neck, the pain as flesh was ripped from her ear, Yellowpaw shuddered. "I believe you," She mewed. "But I... it's confusing, Fallowpaw. But I still believe you."

"Will you talk to Stormcloud for me, maybe?" Fallowpaw mewed hopefully. "She likes you, and she might believe you more than me."

Yellowpaw sighed. "I suppose." She mewed.

"Tell her that Applestar needs to prepare for battle," Fallowpaw spoke eagerly. Yellowpaw thought she had never seen him this excited; this hopeful. "Tell her that if the Clan isn't ready, we'll be destroyed. Palemask and Willowmist- er, the Dark Forest cats- are ruthless. They won't stop until they have their revenge.

Yellowpaw frowned. "That's all very specific," She observed, still feeling weird about the request. "But I guess I'll tell Stormcloud."

"Thank you, Yellowpaw." Fallowpaw thrust himself forward and buried his head in Yellowpaw's neck fur. When he pulled back, his eyes were shining. "I know that you don't believe in undead cats, and I won't try to change your opinion... but I promise you that undead cats are real, and they are as vengeful as a mother who's lost her kits."

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